Distance Learning & Videoconferences
The Welfare Reform Academy hosts interactive conferences on welfare reform
throughout the year. The conferences are broadcast via satellite from the American
Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. Past series have included sites in over 40 states
and the Virgin Islands.
The target audiences for the conferences are: state, local, and federal
government officials in welfare agencies; private and non-profit sector professionals in
human services; media; professors and students of public policy; corporations
participating in welfare-to-work hiring; and the interested public.
Contact us for more information or call (202)
Past Conferences
- Recognizing Child
- January - June 2001
- Child Abuse Identification and Reporting
- October 6, 1999
- Abstinence Education
Grants and Welfare Reform
- June 6, 1997
- Welfare Reform: What Happens After Time
Limits, Sanctions, and Diversions?
- February 6, 1998
- Preventing Second Births to Teenage Mothers:
Demonstration Findings
- March 6, 1998
- Child Care and Welfare Reform
- April 3, 1998
- Teenage Sexual
Activity and Contraceptive Use: An Update
- May 1, 1998
- Pregnancy Prevention and Welfare Reform
- June 5, 1998
- Welfare Reform Two Years Later
- July 30, 1998
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