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We are delighted to announce that Rob Hollister
of Swarthmore College has been selected to receive the 2006 Peter H. Rossi Award
for Contributions to the Theory or Practice of Program Evaluation. (To read his acceptance
remarks, please click here.)
In the words of one nominator, “Rob’s work has made major contributions
to our understanding of the cost-effectiveness of job training and public employment
programs, income transfer programs and welfare reform, community health initiatives,
educational and child care initiatives, and community development financial
institutions. In addition, Rob has written extensively on methodological issues
related to program evaluation, with a special emphasis on random assignment
studies, econometric approaches intended to correct selection biases, and the
evaluation of community-wide initiatives. In all cases, Rob’s work has
been at the scientific frontier. It is also balanced and reflects his good judgment
about where it is appropriate to devote substantial resources to program evaluation
and where it is not.” The selection committee was also impressed that
“Rob has been a devoted teacher who has introduced generations of students
to the intellectual challenges related to program evaluation. In fact, many of
his former students are now prominent professionals in the field.”
Rob Hollister’s first academic job was as an assistant professor of economics
at Williams College from 1962 to 1964. He left Williams in 1964 to carry out
a study for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
in Paris. This, his first major policy evaluation, was of methods used in the
OECD’s Mediterranean Regional Project, a major educational planning effort
covering Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. The study was
published in 1967 as A Technical Evaluation of the First Stage of the Mediterranean
Regional Project.
Hollister joined the War on Poverty effort in 1966 as a staff economist in
the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), later becoming its chief of research
and plans. The OEO was developing a “Five Year Plan to End Poverty,”
which included a plan for a national Negative Income Tax (NIT) program to replace
the old welfare (AFDC) program. In order to estimate the cost of an NIT, OEO
funded the New Jersey Negative Income Tax experiment, the first large-scale
use of a random assignment design to assess the likely impact of a public policy.
Hollister headed the effort to design and implement the experiment.
In the fall of 1967, Hollister moved to the University of Wisconsin as a member
of the Department of Economics and the recently created Institute for Research
on Poverty. From that base, he continued work on the New Jersey Negative Income
Tax and participated in the creation of new experiments in that domain.
In 1971, Hollister joined the faculty of Swarthmore College as an associate
professor and has been teaching there ever since. He is now the Joseph Wharton
Professor of Economics.
Hollister worked with the Ford Foundation on developing the National Supported
Work Demonstration, a random assignment design study testing, in fourteen cities
across the nation, a direct employment program for ex-addicts, ex-offenders,
women on welfare, and low-income youth. MDRC was created to implement this project.
Mathematica was selected to carry out the evaluation. Hollister was co-principal
investigator for that evaluation, which took five years to complete.
From 1983 to 1985, Hollister was chairman of the Committee on Youth Employment
Programs of the National Academy of Sciences. The committee reviewed what had
been learned about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of youth employment
and training on the basis of various program efforts during the 1970s. He coauthored
the committee’s 1985 report, Youth Employment and Training Programs: The
YEDPA Years.
From 1984 to 1993, Hollister worked for the Rockefeller Foundation on the Minority
Female Single Parent project, an employment training effort for minority female
single parents that took place in four cities. On Hollister’s recommendation,
the evaluation was shifted from a quasi-experimental design to a full random
assignment experimental design. In three of the cities in this experiment the
program generated no statistically significant effects on employment or earnings,
but in the fourth, the Center for Employment and Training in San Jose, California,
there were statistically significant impacts on employment—which were
the largest in magnitude found for any employment and training program in the
1970s and 1980s.
From 1991 to 2000, Hollister worked on the development of the New Hope Project.
This was an experiment run in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that sought to test a package
of benefits designed to “make work pay.” He developed the design
of the basic benefits package and participated as a member of the National Advisory
Committee to the project, chairing the committee in its final years of operation.
From 1994 to 2004, Hollister chaired the Advisory Board for the Evaluation
of the Health Link Project. This Robert Wood Johnson Foundation project was
an intervention that attempted to help women and youth prisoners exiting the
Riker’s Island jail in New York City. Hollister and the committee members
convinced the foundation to turn away from a proposed quasi-experimental design
to a full random assignment experimental design, which was conducted by Mathematica
Policy Research.
As is apparent from this short summary of his career, Hollister has been a
strong advocate for the use of random assignment experiments to test various
aspects of public policy, but he has also often written about circumstances
in which the experimental approach is unlikely to be feasible and tried to assess
the relative merits of alternative evaluation methods. One widely cited work
in this regard is “Problems in the Evaluation of Community Wide Initiatives”
(coauthored with Jennifer Hill). The authors point out the problems that arise
with attempts to estimate the impact of multifaceted efforts in which the whole
community is saturated with the program treatment. Emphasizing the inability
to get a reliable “counterfactual,” the authors reviewed a number
of alternative observational and quasi-experimental methods that have been tried
and concluded none had been shown able to establish causal impacts.
In 1995, Hollister, along with his Swarthmore College colleague John Caskey,
began work in a new area: the assessment of community development financial
institutions (CDFI). He and Caskey carried out evaluative studies of the Delta
Initiative, which involved the creation of the Enterprise Corporation of the
Delta (ECD) and Community Organizing for Work Force Development (COWFD). ECD
is a community development financial institution serving the Delta regions of
Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas. They sought to assess the effects of ECD’s
financial and technical assistance to area businesses—using methods that
were decidedly non-experimental. They built a database on the employment, wage
and benefit packages of firms in the ECD loan portfolio and how they evolved
over time; and from that made alternative estimates of jobs gained, retained,
or lost in these firms. From these data they derived alternative estimates of
cost per job gained or retained.
Following this project, Hollister and Caskey carried out a more generalized
study of methods for evaluating the social impact of community development financial
institutions. In a series of reports to the Ford Foundation, they reviewed the
strengths and weaknesses of various evaluation methods that might be applied
to attempts to evaluate the performance of CDFIs in various dimensions of outcomes,
both financial and social. (Hollister also has worked as a consultant on several
evaluations done by Coastal Enterprises, a large CDFI that serves the state
of Maine. )
Most recently, Hollister has been working on evaluations in the field of education.
Hollister assisted a Swarthmore student, Ty Wilde, in a paper assessing the
effectiveness of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) methods. Using data from the
Tennessee Star experiment in class size, they assessed PSM’s effectiveness
by comparing the impact estimates using PSM to the “true impacts”
estimated with the Star experimental data.
As part of their paper, Wilde and Hollister discuss criteria for assessing
“how close is close enough” for non-experimental methods; they discuss
various criteria that might be applied to decide whether a given non-experimental
method provides estimates that are “close enough” to the estimates
derived with experimental methods to provide a reliable basis for decision making.
This is part of Hollister’s continued search to see if a method for estimating
impacts can be identified that could be considered “second best”
to a random assignment experimental design. In this example in education, Propensity
Score Matching was not a clear candidate for “second best.”
Recently, Hollister has worked as a consultant to the Institute for Education
Science of the U.S. Department of Education, assisting its efforts to bring
experimental design assessments into many areas of educational programming and
Hollister currently is completing a book entitled Nectar of the Gods: Social
Experiments and their Flawed Alternatives, which will include chapters on the
Negative Income Tax Experiment, as well as discussion of other experiments,
and evaluations of alternative methods of attempting to assess the impact of
social programs.
As one of Hollister’s nominators concluded: “Rob has been a beacon
of high standards in the field of evaluation, where standards are a political
football. He has had a great effect on the shape and implementation of evaluation
policy in both job training and education. Rob is one of the most tenacious
advocates of random assignment there is today.”
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