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Child Welfare and Child Abuse

Learn about our training materials in Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse.


Books, Monographs, and Papers

Recognizing Child Abuse: A Guide for the Concerned
Douglas J. Besharov
Recognizing Child Abuse: The Trainer's Manual
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Abuse Realities: Over-Reporting and Poverty [PDF], Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law, Fall 2000
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Abuse Reporting [PDF], 2000
Douglas J. Besharov and LisA A. Laumann
Four Commentaries: How We Can Better Protect Children from Abuse and Neglect [PDF], The Future of Children, Spring 1998
Douglas J. Besharov, Marcia Robinson Lowry, Leroy H. Pelton, and Michael W. Weber
Fixing Child Protection [PDF], Philanthropy Roundtable, January 1, 1998
Douglas J. Besharov
Good Parents Not Money [PDF], The Public Interest, Fall 1997
Douglas J. Besharov and Mark H. Lopez
The Politics of Child Abuse in America (book review) [PDF], American Political Science Review, March 1997
Douglas J. Besharov and Jacob W. Dembosky
Don't Call It Child Abuse If It's Really Poverty [PDF], Journal of Children and Poverty, Winter/Spring, 1997
Douglas J. Besharov and Lisa A. Laumann
Child Abuse Reporting [PDF], Social Science and Modern Society, May 1, 1996
Douglas J. Besharov and Lisa A. Laumann
The Children of Crack: A Status Report [PDF], Public Welfare, Winter 1996
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Abuse Reporting: The Need to Shift Priorities from More Reports to Better Reports [PDF], 1996
Douglas J. Besharov and LisA A. Laumann
Looking Beyond 30, 60, and 90 Days [PDF], Children and Youth Service Review, 1994
Douglas J. Besharov
Responding to Child Sexual Abuse: The Need for a Balanced Approach [PDF], The Future of Children, Summer/Fall 1994
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Protective Services Liability: When the System Fails [PDF], Trial, February 1994
Douglas J. Besharov
Intervening with Drug-Dependent Pregnant Women, 1994
Douglas J. Besharov
Overreporting and Underreporting Are Twin Problems, 1993
Douglas J. Besharov
Improving child protective services: how to expand and implement the consensus, Children Today, March 1992
Douglas J. Besharov
A Balanced Approach to Reporting Child Abuse, The Child, Youth, and Family Services Quarterly, Winter 1992
Douglas J. Besharov
Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Research on the Effects of Prental Drug Exposure, 1992
Douglas J. Besharov
Whose Life Is It Anyway? Pregnant Crack Users Act as Child Abusers, (PDF version), The National Law Journal, March 4, 1991
Douglas J. Besharov
Reducing Unfounded Reports [PDF], Journal of Interpersonal Violence, March 1991
Douglas J. Besharov
Crack Children in Foster Care: Re-examining the Balance between Children's Rights and Parent's Rights [PDF], Children Today, July/August, 1990
Douglas J. Besharov
Crack and Kids [PDF], Society, July/August, 1990
Douglas J. Besharov
Gaining Control over Child Abuse Reports: Public Agencies Must Address Both Underreporting and Overreporting [PDF], Public Welfare, Spring, 1990
Douglas J. Besharov
The Children of Crack: Will We Protect Them? [PDF], Public Welfare, Fall, 1989
Douglas J. Besharov
The Central Dilemma: Protecting Abused Children While Protecting Innocent Parents [PDF], 1988
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting and Investigation: Policy Guidelines for Decision Making [PDF], 1988
Douglas J. Besharov
How Child Abuse Programs Hurt Poor Children: The Misuse of Foster Care [PDF], Clearinghouse Review, 1988
Douglas J. Besharov
What We Know about Child Support Enforcement, October 29, 1987
Douglas J. Besharov
Reporting Out-of-Home Maltreatment: Penalties and Protections [PDF], Child Welfare, September/October 1987
Douglas J. Besharov
The Reauthorization of the Federal Child Abuse Act: The Need to Protect Parental Rights [PDF], The Journal of Family and Culture, Fall 1987
Douglas J. Besharov
New Remedies for Child Abuse [PDF], Philanthropy, Fall 1987
Douglas J. Besharov
The Future of Child Protective Services, Public Welfare, Winter 1987
Douglas J. Besharov, et al
Suffer the Little Children: How Child Abuse Programs Hurt Poor Families, Policy Review, Winter 1987
Douglas J. Besharov
Contending with Overblown Expectations: CPS Cannot Be All Things to All People, Public Welfare, Winter 1987
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Welfare Liability: The Need for Immunity Legislation [PDF], Children Today, September/October 1986
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Abuse: Arrest and Prosecution Decision-Making [PDF], American Criminal Law Review, Fall, 1986
Douglas J. Besharov
Introduction to "Special Issue--Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect: Where Are We Now?" [PDF] Family Law Quarterly, Summer 1986
Douglas J. Besharov
The Misuse of Foster Care: When the Desire to Help Children Outruns the Ability to Improve Parental Functioning [PDF], Family Law Quarterly, Summer 1986
Douglas J. Besharov
Unfounded Allegations--a New Child Abuse Problem [PDF], The Public Interest, Spring 1986
Douglas J. Besharov
An Overdose of Concern: Child Abuse and the Overreporting Problem [PDF], Regulation, November/December 1985
Douglas J. Besharov
"Doing Something" about Child Abuse: The Need to Narrow the Grounds for State Intervention [PDF], Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 1985
Douglas J. Besharov
Proving Child Abuse: A guide for Practice under the New York Family Court Act [PDF], Family Life Development Center, 1984
Douglas J. Besharov
Foster Care Reform: Two Books for Practitioners [PDF] (book review), Family Law Quarterly, Summer 1984
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Welfare Malpractice: Suing Agencies and Caseworkers for Harmful Practices [PDF], Trial, March 1984
Douglas J. Besharov
Malpractice in Child Placement: Civil Liability for Inadequate Foster Care Services [PDF], Child Welfare, May/June 1984
Douglas J. Besharov
Liability in Chile Welfare [PDF], Public Welfare, Spring 1984
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Protection: Past Progress, Present Problems, and Future Directions [PDF], Family Law Quarterly, 1983/1984
Douglas J. Besharov
Santosky v. Kramer: An Unfortunate Misunderstanding [PDF], Child Abuse and Neglect, 1983
Douglas J. Besharov
Parents' Right to Counsel in Proceedings to Terminate Parental Rights: Factors to Consider [PDF], 1982
Douglas J. Besharov
Toward Better Research on Child Abuse and Neglect: Making Definitional Issues and Explicit Methodological Concern [PDF], Child Abuse and Neglect, 1981
Douglas J. Besharov
Behind Closed Doors: Although There Were Nearly a Million Reported Cases of Child Abuse Last Year, Our Justice System Fails to Protect Our Most Helpless Victims of Violence [PDF], Family Advocate, 1980/1981
Douglas J. Besharov
Putting Central Registers to Work: Using Modern Management Information Systems to Improve Child Protective Services [PDF], Chicago-Kent Law Review, 1978
Douglas J. Besharov
Building a Community Response to Child Abuse and Maltreatment [PDF], Children Today, September/October 1975
Douglas J. Besharov


Children Deserve Chance to Live; The System Won't Accept the Uncomfortable Truth: Some Parents Are Beyond the Help of Treatment Programs, (PDF version), The Orlando Sentinel, December 22, 1996
Douglas J. Besharov
When Home is Hell: We Are Too Reluctant to Take Children From Bad Parents, (PDF version), The Washington Post, December 1, 1996
Douglas J. Besharov
Child Abuse: Threat or Menace? (PDF version), Slate, October 3, 1996
Douglas J. Besharov and Jacob W. Dembosky
Ignoring the Danger Signs of Child Abuse, (PDF version), Newsday, April 21, 1996
Douglas J. Besharov
How To Save Children, (PDF version), The New York Times, January 13, 1996
Douglas J. Besharov
The Tightrope of Abuse Reporting [PDF], The Times Educational Supplement, June 3, 1994
Douglas J. Besharov
Lessons from the McMartin Case, (PDF version), The Christian Science Monitor, February 9, 1990
Douglas J. Besharov
The Tragedy of Child Abuse: We all share the blame for the death of Bradley McGee (PDF version), The St. Petersburg Times, September 3, 1989
Douglas J. Besharov
Let's Give Crack Babies a Way Out of Addict Families, (PDF version), The New York Newsday, September 3, 1989
Douglas J. Besharov
Get the Message Out: Crack and Pregnancy Don't Mix [PDF], The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 20, 1989
Douglas J. Besharov
Crack Babies: The Worst Threat is Mom Herself, (PDF version), The Washington Post, August 6, 1989
Douglas J. Besharov
The Child-Abuse Numbers Game [PDF], The Wall Street Journal, August 4, 1988
Douglas J. Besharov
Overreach of the Guardian State [PDF], The Wall Street Journal, April 2, 1984
Douglas J. Besharov
To Protect the Abused [PDF], The New York Times, December 1, 1980
Douglas J. Besharov

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