Rebecca A. Maynard
Trustee Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Graduate School of Education
3700 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216
(215) 898-3558/(215) 573-2241 (Fax)
1975 Ph.D., Economics, University
of Wisconsin
1971 B.A., Economics, University of Connecticut, Phi
Beta Kappa
1993 - Trustee Professor,
University of Pennsylvania
1993 - 1994 IPA, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation (Welfare Reform Work Group)
1993 - Senior Fellow, Mathematica Policy Research,
1986 - 1992 Senior Vice President and Director of
Princeton Research, Mathematica Policy Research
1974 - 1986 Vice President and Senior Economist,
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
1987 - 1994 Consultant, General Accounting Office
1984 - 1989 Consultant, Rockefeller Foundation
1973 - 1974 Institute for Research on Poverty,
University of Wisconsin
Rebecca Maynard is Trustee
Professor of Education and Social Policy at the
University of Pennsylvania. She earned her Ph.D. in
economics from the University of Wisconsin. After
completing her graduate studies, she spent 18 years
designing and evaluating education, employment and
welfare policies and programs at Mathematica Policy
Research, Inc. where she served as senior vice
president and director of Princeton research. She
also has served as consultant to the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services on welfare reform, and
to the General Accounting Office and the Rockefeller
Foundation on various social welfare policy projects.
She has served on numerous
committees and advisory boards including: The
National Academy of Sciences Panel on Child Care
Policy, and Panel on Quality in Student
Financial Aid; the National Campaign to Prevent
Teen Pregnancy Research Advisory Group; the
Research Advisory Group for the Job Opportunities
and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) Program
Implementation Study for the Rockefeller
Institute of Government at the State University of
New York; the National Household Education Survey Advisory
Panel on the Adult Education Survey Component;
the Committee on Economic Development Research
Advisory Group; the Intergenerational Literacy
Research Action Project Advisory Team; the National
Job Corps Evaluation Advisory Panel; and the National
Dropout Demonstration Assistance Program Research
Advisory Panel.
She has published on a variety of
topics and in a wide range of journals and books,
including: Kids Having Kids: The Costs and
Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy, published by
Urban Institute Press; "The Causes and
Consequences of Repeat Pregnancy Among Welfare
Dependent Teenage Parents" in Family Planning
Perspectives; "Methods of Evaluating
Employment and Training Programs: Lessons from the
U.S. Experience" in International Journal of
Manpower; "How Precise are Evaluations of
Employment and Training Programs: Evidence from a
Field Experiment" in Evaluation Review;
"The Economics of Transitional and Supported
Employment" in Disability and the Labor
Market; "Short-Term Indicators of Employment
Program Performance: Evidence from the Supported Work
Demonstration" in the Journal of Human
Resources; The National Supported Work
Demonstration, (co-editor) published by the
University of Wisconsin Press and "The Effects
of the Rural Income Maintenance Experiment on the
School Performance of Children" in the American
Economic Review.
She has given expert testimony
before Congress on child care; teenage pregnancy and
parenting; poverty and welfare; and employment
training policy. She has also conducted numerous
briefings of senior policy makers including
congressional staff, presidential task forces; the
Secretaries of Labor and Health and Human Services;
and state welfare, health and employment training
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