Testimony on the Effects of Welfare Reform
House Committee on Ways and Means, Human Resources Subcommittee
Douglas J. Besharov, May 27, 1999
Chairman Johnson and Members of the Subcommittee on
Human Resources:
Thank you for inviting me to testify about the impact of the
1996 welfare reform law and associated policy changes. My name is Douglas
Besharov. I am a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for
Public Policy Research, where I conduct research on children and families. I am
also a professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Affairs, where I
teach courses on family policy, welfare reform, and evaluation.
reform in 1996--embodied in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) block grant--resulted in massive changes in the operations of
state and local welfare agencies. Many have gone from being check-writing
offices to being engines of employment and personal and family responsibility.
Contemporaneously, welfare caseloads declined sharply. (This was actually the
first serious caseload decline in at least 30 years.) Although the strong
economy helped, experts are unanimous that "welfare reform" is a major
explanation for this unprecedented decline--now reaching 44 percent since March
1994. (Chart 1.)
Even many of the harshest critics of the welfare reform law
have been impressed with what has been accomplished. Besides lower caseloads,
there has been an explosion of work among never-married mothers with
children--the women most likely to become long-term welfare dependents. Since
1993, their employment rate has risen from 44 percent to 61.5 percent.
recount some of these developments below. But my real focus is on the concerns
of those who say that this decline in welfare and increase in work has been
accompanied by increased levels of material hardship on what once would have
been welfare families. Any such increase in material hardship should be of
concern to us all. If we found increased hardship, we would have to make the
difficult ethical determination about whether the hardship was justified by all
the good that has also been accomplished by the welfare reform law. However, and
this is the key point in my testimony, with the measures available, there is no
evidence of significant increases in material hardship.
Why Caseloads Are
As I mentioned, welfare rolls are down an amazing 44 percent since
their historic high in March 1994. That's about 2.2 million fewer families (or
about 6.7 million fewer parents and children) on welfare. At least fifteen
states have seen declines of over 50 percent. Fewer families are going on
welfare, and more are leaving.
Unfortunately, political credit claiming and
ideological preconceptions, assisted by limited data, have obscured what is
really going on. There is nothing new in that, of course. But without a true
understanding of what is driving down welfare rolls, we cannot judge whether the
decline is a good thing, nor capitalize on its lessons.
A strong economy is
the obvious first explanation, and the one most attractive to those who think
that welfare dependency is largely a reaction to a lack of opportunity. Between
January 1994 and September 1998, for example, the unemployment rate fell a
remarkable 30 percent, from 6.7 percent to 4.6 percent. In that period, 7.5
million more people entered the labor force. Even more striking: Never-married
mothers, the group most prone to long-term welfare dependency, are 40 percent
more likely to be working since 1993 (from 44 percent to 61.5 percent).
we have had strong economies before, without such sharp declines in welfare. In
fact, most studies suggest that the good economy accounts for no more than about
20 percent of the total decline. What else is going on?
The end of the
welfare entitlement, or, as Candidate Bill Clinton used to say, the "end of
welfare as we know it," seems to be the best explanation. Across the nation, the
culture of welfare offices has changed--from places where mothers sign up for
benefits to places where they are helped, cajoled, and, yes, pressured to get a
job or rely on others for support.
Many welfare offices are now "job
centers," where workers help applicants and recipients find employment.
Depending on the office, they teach how to write resumes and handle job
interviews; provide access to word processors, fax machines, telephones and even
clothes; offer career counseling and financial planning services; and refer them
to specific employers with job openings. In a survey of former welfare
recipients in Texas who left the rolls in December, 1996, over 60 percent said
the welfare agency "gave me the kind of help I needed."
Some of this is
boosterism, plain and simple, with workers giving young mothers the moral
support they so often need. As one worker said, "Some of these women never
thought that they could get a job. We give them the confidence to try."
helping are the recent massive increases in federal aid to low- earning parents,
to "make work pay." Since 1993, a conservative estimate is that total aid to the
working poor increased by about $30 billion, almost doubling. For example,
between 1993 and 1997, the Earned Income Tax Credit's cash subsidy to single
mothers with two children working full-time at the minimum wage more than
doubled, rising from $1,511 to $3,656. Often of even more importance to mothers
with young children, most welfare agencies can now offer child care to any
applicant or recipient who gets a job.
This genuine help to mothers--and it
permeates the implementation of welfare reform in most states--unquestionably
assists many to leave welfare for work. But this isn't the whole story: Only
about half the mothers who leave welfare seem to have jobs, often very
low-paying jobs. The other half are just leaving--perhaps to work eventually,
but more immediately they are moving in with family, friends, or boyfriends, or
being supported by them. Some are simply getting by with less income. (So far,
there is little evidence of more marriage, even though that has traditionally
been a major reason for leaving welfare.) Why are they leaving without having
The other palpable aspect of welfare reform has been the reintroduction
of a long-gone aspect of being on welfare: hassle. In most places, a new
element, "diversion," has been added to the application process. Diversion is
encapsulated in two simple questions now asked of welfare applicants: Have you
looked for a job? Can someone else support you? Many welfare agencies maintain a
bank of phones that applicants must use to call 5, 10, or even 20 potential
employers before they can receive benefits. When told of these requirements,
many applicants simply turn around and walk out.
New York City's "Job
Centers," for example, exemplify this interplay between new welfare's help and
hassle. All applicants are encouraged to look for work (and offered immediate
cash support for child care) or support from relatives or other
For those who still decide to apply for welfare, the new rules
require that they go through a 30-day assessment period during which they
complete the application process and go through a rigorous job- readiness and
job-search regimen involving many sessions at the Job Center and other offices.
At the end of this period, eligible able- bodied adults who choose to receive
assistance are required to participate in the city's workfare program. As a
result, the percentage of mothers who walk in the door who are eventually
enrolled has fallen by about 40 percent, from about around 50 percent to around
30 percent.
Being on welfare has also changed with the imposition of various
mandatory activities. In almost all states, recipients are required to sign
"self-sufficiency agreements" describing their plan for becoming self-sufficient
within a specified time frame. Iowa, for example, requires able-bodied
recipients without infant children to develop and sign a Family Investment
Agreement, which describes the person's plan for becoming self-sufficient within
a specified time frame. Failure to sign or comply with this agreement can result
in an initial reduction in benefits, followed soon thereafter by complete
termination of cash assistance. About 10 percent of those who begin this process
have their benefits terminated for a six-month period for failure to sign or
comply with the agreement.
Although these new requirements are intended to
help recipients find and keep jobs, they undeniably raise what economists would
call the "cost" of being on welfare. By a rough calculation that assumes
recipients value their time at the minimum wage, this kind of hassle can reduce
the advantage of being on welfare versus working to zero in very low-benefit
states and, nationally, can reduce the advantage by about 50 percent.
much of a factor is this hassle? When these new requirements are explained to
applicants and recipients, they often say things like: "I guess I might as well
get a real job" or "I might as well move back home." In the survey of Texas
recipients leaving welfare, about a quarter said that important factors were
either "unfriendly caseworkers" or "new program requirements." And in a survey
of those who left welfare in South Carolina between January and March 1997, 60
percent said they felt "hassled," and 13 percent said that's why they left.
About a third said that the state's welfare program "wants to get rid of people,
not help them." So far, at least, this combination of helping and hassling
mothers off welfare--and discouraging them from signing up in the first place--
does not seem to have caused undue hardship. Surveys of those who have left
welfare indicate that, although some are worse off, most families are doing as
well or better after having left. Perhaps more tellingly, despite intensive
efforts, journalists have found few horror stories with which to document the
harmful effects of welfare reform. And in the same South Carolina survey where
60 percent of those who left welfare complained about being hassled, 80 percent
said that the caseworkers treated them "with perfect fairness." Only a quarter
reported that "life was better" when they were receiving welfare.
Indeed, an
analysis by Richard Bavier of the Office of Management and Budget suggests that
the decline in welfare benefits caused by families leaving welfare was offset by
two- or three-fold gains in income due to work. According to Bavier, from 1993
to 1997, female family heads with children experienced reductions of $6.7
billion in cash welfare and $2.1 billion in food stamps. However, their earnings
increased by $26.9 billion and their EITC benefits by $5.1 billion. After
including taxes and other noncash benefits in the calculation, he finds that
"income for this family type increased $19.6 billion in 1997 dollars."(1)
Although household surveys have problems of underreporting or misreporting
income, the magnitude of this income gain suggests that it is both real and
As I note below, some argue that these overall gains mask losses
in income among the poorest female-headed families. For example, Wendell Primus
of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has written: "Between 1993 and
1995, the earnings and incomes of the poorest fifth of single mother families
increased despite a modest decline in income from welfare programs. Between 1995
and 1997, however, the very poorest single mother families faced a significant
decline in their incomes after including all government taxes and transfers
largely due to sizeable declines in their welfare assistance."(2) For the
reasons I describe below, I think that the available data does not support this
Assessing Welfare Reform
Others today, I am sure, will discuss
these developments in greater detail. Let me focus on the concerns that have
been raised by various advocacy groups.
1. Insufficient child care? During
the debate leading up to the passage of TANF, the provision of adequate child
care was a major bone of contention. As a result, the Congress sharply increased
funding. Was it enough? Testifying before this committee on March 16 of this
year, Helen Blank of the Children's Defense Fund said: "enormous gaps still
remain in our efforts to help low-income parents work and take care of their
children. Much more needs to be done to ensure that families on welfare have the
child care assistance they need to get and keep jobs, without sacrificing
low-income families who are struggling to keep their jobs and stay off
welfare."(3) I have tried to calculate child care needs under welfare reform
compared to this increased funding. Between 1994 and 1998, state and federal
child care spending increased by at least $3.1 billion. If the President's FY
2000 proposals are approved, they will add another $3.053 billion. Furthermore,
if states use their unexpended TANF funds for child care, that could add another
$4.302 billion by the year 2000. (Chart 2.)
As my third chart illustrates,
states have enough money to cover the child care needs generated by welfare
reform--so long as they are not forced to monetize and formalize child care.
(Chart 3.) That is, so long as we do not discourage family members from caring
for children without charging the government and so long as we do not drive low-
cost providers out of business with onerous (and, in the end, sterile)
2. Declines in Food Stamp receipt? The critics of welfare reform
often compare changes in program caseloads to changes in poverty to make claims
about the effects of public policy. Consider a recent statement released by the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
During the two-year period from 1995
to 1997, the decline in the number of people receiving food stamps--4.4
million--was five times greater than the decline in the number of people living
in poverty.
The food stamp figures are especially noteworthy because the
income limit for food stamps is slightly above the poverty line; as a result,
families moving from public assistance to low-wage work that leaves them in
poverty do not lose eligibility for food stamps. These data indicate that the
reductions in the number of households receiving food stamps have exceeded
reductions in need and that the proportion of poor people receiving basic food
assistance to help them secure an adequate diet has declined.(4)
analysis is very misleading. It is very sensitive to the time period chosen. The
1995-1997 period chosen by the Center just happens to be the one that shows the
greatest difference in the decline between the number of poor and the number
receiving food stamps. Had the Center used 1993 as the starting point of its
comparison, a very different picture would have emerged. (Chart 4.)
1993 and 1995, for example, the figures were reversed. The decline in poverty
was 3.3 times greater that the decline in food stamps. Thus, if the Center had
viewed the period 1993-1997, the declines would have been more comparable: 5.2
million fewer food stamp recipients compared to 3.7 million fewer people living
in poverty. That would be a decline in food stamp receipt 40 percent greater
than the drop in the number of poor, not five times greater. (Chart
Furthermore, part of the decline in the food stamp rolls can be
attributed directly to policy decisions contained in the 1996 welfare reform law
to remove from the Food Stamp program certain immigrants and unemployed
childless adults (ABAWDs). According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the
1996 welfare reform law made about 1.3 million food stamp recipients, primarily
immigrants and unemployed childless adults, ineligible for benefits.(5) Indeed,
from July 1996 (the month before the landmark welfare reform legislation passed)
to September 1997, the number of permanent resident aliens and ABAWDs declined
by 953,000 and 477,000, respectively, for a total decline of 1.43
Taking this longer view and accounting for the deliberate removal
of certain groups from the Food Stamp program almost erases the difference in
declines between poverty and food stamp recipiency.
I want to
emphasize that I believe that the intersection of the Food Stamp and welfare
programs has received insufficient policy attention. The two programs are in
desperate need of coordination, as I wrote in a recent article for Policy &
Practice, of the American Public Human Services Association. But that is a very
different point.
3. Declines in Medicaid Coverage? A recent report from
Families USA asserts that "state administrative systems often continue to treat
Medicaid as an extra welfare benefit. This means that when a family is
terminated from welfare, its Medicaid case is often closed at the same time.
Because the two programs remain connected in the minds of caseworkers and
recipients as well as in state computer eligibility systems, the new emphasis on
closing welfare cases as quickly as possible is causing many families to be cut
off Medicaid, even when they are still eligible."(7) Perhaps, in some places.
But that seems to be a substantial exaggeration of state practices.
there has be a decline in Medicaid recipiency. Two prime reasons are the strong
economy and welfare reform (including the delinking of Medicaid and TANF
eligibility). Another reason is that many families that are Medicaid eligible
simply forego signing up until a family member gets sick (something that was
almost automatic under AFDC). After all, unlike private insurance, there is no
pre- existing condition rule for Medicaid.(8)
Second, assertions about
declines in Medicaid coverage are often based on analyses of the Census Bureau's
Current Population Survey (CPS), the government's primary data source for
measuring employment, earnings, poverty, welfare receipt, and a range of other
important outcomes. Unfortunately, the survey appears to miss about one-third of
AFDC/TANF, food stamp, and Medicaid recipients. Perhaps even more important,
this problem has been getting worse in recent years, a deterioration that has
important implications for judging the impact of welfare reform. (Chart
For example, according to the CPS, between 1993 and 1997, the number of
children under 15 enrolled in Medicaid declined by 3.2 million. But reliable
administrative data from the Health Care Financing Administration show an
increase of 400,000.(9) (For the period 1995- 1997, HCFA data also show a
decline of 700,000 children, but CPS shows a much larger decline of 1.7
million.) These kinds of discrepancies led the authors of an Urban Institute
report to conclude: "until the phenomenon of Medicaid underreporting is better
understood, it will be difficult to reach firm conclusions about the changing
Medicaid caseloads and their effect on the number of uninsured."(10)
problem of underreporting of government benefits also undermines estimates of
income declines for low-income families. For example, analyses of income trends
involving low-income single mothers will understate their incomes because they
miss an increasing percentage of welfare income.
4. Declines in income? In
recent testimony before the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight,
Wendell Primus said, "While some poor single mother families have been able to
maintain or raise their income levels because of increased earnings and the
expanded EITC, other poor single mother families' incomes have fallen
substantially and they are now deeper in poverty than earlier in the
decade."(11) As we will see, on the basis of available evidence, one should not
conclude that "incomes have fallen substantially" for a large number of
families. (emphasis added)
Such estimates are tremendously dependent on the
assumptions embedded in the analysis. For example, Dr. Primus's initial
estimates did not include a correction for the growing deterioration of the
accuracy of the CPS in reporting welfare payments. I understand that he has now
made a correction for this problem. His current numbers, which I have not seen,
now suggest a small decline in incomes for some groups of low-income mothers. My
judgement is that the declines he finds are too small--and too dependent on the
assumptions that any analyst would make--to be the basis of policy.
But Dr.
Primus's analysis did encourage us to look further at what was happening in the
female-headed families with the lowest incomes. His research showed than many of
them had zero incomes. That is, they neither had earnings from work, nor income
from investments, nor did they receive welfare benefits. But they were also not
homeless, nor in shelters. My next chart helps explain what is happening. (Chart
Based on data from the CPS, as analyzed by Richard Bavier of the Office
of Management and Budget, it appears that about 30 percent of the female family
heads with children in the bottom fifth of the income distribution (based on
post-tax, post-transfer family income) were living with other non-family
household members. The average income of these household members was over
$20,000, with some much higher.
Adding this "household income" to the
families that Dr. Primus said lost income suggests that the households
containing these families have at least held their own--and perhaps improved
their situation. (Remember, this is only reported income.)
This explains, by
the way, why as many as a third to half of the mothers who leave welfare do not
report that they are working. TANF has raised the "cost" of being on welfare, as
described above, and these women are simply deciding to forego the heightened
"hassle" of being on welfare. They can leave welfare because someone
else--usually a boyfriend--is supporting them or will support them. This brings
me to my final point.
Cohabitation and marriage penalties
Cohabitation was
once unusual and largely limited to low-income and less-educated couples,
whereas now it is more mainstream. In the mid 1950s, for example, cohabitors
were five times more likely to be high school drop outs than college graduates,
but in either case, the proportions were low (5 percent vs. 1 percent). By the
mid 1980s, the figures were strikingly higher (45 percent vs. 22 percent), with
the difference cut almost in half.(12)
The foregoing statistics are for women
who have "ever" cohabited. What about "current" cohabitations? In 1995, about 7
percent of women were currently cohabiting.(13) Larger numbers of mothers on
welfare report that they are cohabiting, between 9 and 24 percent,(14) depending
on the survey question. According to the Panel Survey of Income Dynamics, for
example, 9 percent of welfare mothers were cohabiting in 1987. This included 18
percent of welfare mothers under thirty, with less than a high school education,
and with children under age eighteen.(15)
Finally, according to preliminary
data from the Fragile Families study of unmarried parents in twenty-two major
American cities,(16) as many as half of the children born out of wedlock may
have an unwed father living at home.(17) Similarly, Larry Bumpass and Hsien-Hen
Lu, of the Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison, report that according to the National Survey of Family Growth about 41
percent of births to unmarried mothers from 1990 to 1994 were to women who were
currently cohabiting.(18)
To some extent, cohabitation--"informal marriage,"
in the phrase some analysts use--is a reality of the modern world. Increasing
numbers of affluent couples around the world are choosing to forego marriage.
However, these "unions" tend to be less stable than marriages, and therefore
less nurturing for children. I don't know how (or whether) the government should
encourage marriage, but I do know that it should not discourage marriage. But
that it just what it does with the marriage penalties embedded in the Earned
Income Tax Credit (EITC) and our refusal to conform child support laws to the
realities of life for low-income families.
I know that many members of
congress are concerned about the marriage penalties embedded in our tax laws. As
a percentage of household income, those penalties pale when compared to the
penalties faced by welfare recipients and the working poor. According to Eugene
Steuerle of the Urban Institute, for example, "the marriage penalty faced by a
young couple consisting of a man who is working full time at the minimum wage
and a mother on welfare with two children. He concluded that, if they marry, the
new family's combined earnings plus benefits would be $16,194, or $3,862 (almost
20 percent) less than the couple's premarriage income."(19)
If we do not
examinine what is happening in these households, we will miss half of what is
happening under welfare reform.
I sincerely recommend that, in addition to
worrying about good jobs for former welfare recipients, we also worry about the
well-being (and safety) of these informal unions--and do the best we can to
strengthen them by removing the obstacles to marriage embedded in our welfare
Thank you.
1. Richard Bavier, "An early look at the
effects of welfare reform," March 20, 1999, p. 7.
2. Wendell Primus,
Testimony before the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, April 22,
3. Testimony of Helen Blank, Director, Child Care and Development,
Children's Defense Fund, before the Ways and Means Committee, March 16, 1999; p.
4. 4Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "Poverty Rates Fall, but
Remain High for a Period With Such Low Unemployment," October 8, 1998.
5Craig Gundersen, Michael LeBlanc, and Betsey Kuhn, "The Changing Food
Assistance Landscape: The Food Stamp Program in a Post-Welfare Reform
Environment," U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Institute,
Agricultural Economic Report No. 773, March 1999, p. 5.
6. 6Scott Cody and
Laura Castner, Characteristics of Food Stamp Households: Fiscal Year 1997
(Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Service,
February 1999). The declines using the average monthly caseloads for FY 1996 to
FY 1997 are bit smaller: 440,000 and 174,000 for a total of 614,000.
Families USA Foundation, Losing Health Insurance: The Unintended Consequences of
Welfare Reform, by Rachel Klein (Washington, D.C.: Families USA Foundation, May
1999), p. 7.
8. See Expanding Health Insurance Coverage for Children Under
Title XXI of the Social Security Act (February 1998: Congressional Budget
Office, Washington, D.C.); p. 12, stating that, most likely, "many children . .
. are joining the ranks of those with contingent coverage: as families sever
their ties to the welfare system, they have less opportunity to enroll their
children in Medicaid--if, indeed, they are even aware that their children may
still be eligible for the program. Although such children are not currently
enrolled, they are still likely to use the program if they become sick."
The Census Bureau cautions that "In the Current Population Survey (CPS),
Medicare and Medicaid coverage estimates are underreported, compared with
enrollment and participation data from the Health Care Financing Administration
(HCFA). A major reason for the lower CPS estimates is the fact that CPS is not
designed to specifically collect health insurance data. Instead, it is largely a
labor force survey, with minimum interviewer training on health insurance
concepts. Data from HCFA represent the actual number of people who were enrolled
or participated in these programs and is therefore a more accurate source of
data on levels of coverage." See Robert L. Bennefield, Health Insurance
Coverage: 1997 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the
Census, September 1, 1998), pp. 6-7.
10. 10Kimball Lewis, Marilyn Ellwood,
and John L. Czajka, "Counting the Uninsured: A Review of the Literature," The
Urban Institute, June 1998.
11. Wendell Primus, Testimony before the
Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, April 22, 1999. Dr. Primus also
asserted that, "Between 1995 and 1997, the economic status of persons in the
bottom decile declined. The average incomes of families in the poorest decile
fell by almost $1,000, a statistically significant decline of 16.3
12. Data from the National Survey of Families and Households shows
that about 5 percent of people with less than a high school education, and who
were born between 1928 and 1932 lived in a cohabiting relationship prior to age
twenty-five (somewhere between 1953 and 1957). The corresponding figure for
persons with a college education born during the same time frame was less than 1
percent. Among the cohort born between 1958 and 1962 (who hit age twenty-five
between 1983 and 1987) the chances of cohabiting before age twenty-five
increased dramatically. A little over 45 percent of people with less than a high
school education born between these years cohabited before age twenty-five,
compared to 35 percent of those with some college education and about 22 percent
of those with a college degree. Thus, over the thirty year period the
differences in cohabitation rates between the least and most educated were
reduced from 80 percent to about 50 percent. (Andrew J. Cherlin, Marriage,
Divorce, Remarriage revised and enlarged edition (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1992), p. 12.)
13. National Center for Health Statistics,
Fertility, Family Planning, and Women's Health: New Data From the 1995 National
Survey of Family Growth, by Joyce C. Abma, Anjani Chandra, William D. Mosher,
Linda S. Peterson, and Linda J. Piccinino (Hyatsville, MD: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, 1997), Table 33.
14. Robert A. Moffitt, Robert
Reville, and Anne E. Winkler, "Beyond Single Mothers: Cohabitation, Marriage,
and the U.S. Welfare System." (Discussion paper #1068-95, Madison, Wisc.,
University of Wisconsin- Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty, July 1995),
pp. 5-6.
15. Ibid. These figures may be as much as one-third higher, however,
if they are calculated as the proportion of unmarried women who receive welfare
as opposed to the proportion of all women who receive welfare. 16. Julien
Teitler, "Father Involvement, Child Health, and Maternal Health Behavior."
(Paper prepared for the Urban Seminar on Children's Health and Safety,
Cambridge, Mass., April 23-24, 1999), Table 1.
17. Julien Teitler, "Father
Involvement, Child Health, and Maternal Health Behavior." (Paper prepared for
the Urban Seminar on Child's Health and Safety, Cambridge, Mass., April 23-24.
1999), p. 5.
18. Larry Bumpass and Hsien-Hen Lu, "Trends in Cohabitation and
Implications for Children's Family Contexts in the U.S." (CDE Working Paper No.
98-15, Madison, Wisc., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Demography
and Ecology, March 1999), p. 13.
19. Douglas Besharov and Timothy Sullivan,
"Welfare Reform and Marriage," The Public Interest, No. 125 (Fall 1996), p.
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