Future Evaluations
The major forthcoming evaluations will assess the new
welfare regime created by the Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families (TANF) Program, which replaced AFDC in
1996. Although states can continue to operate their
welfare programs as they have in the past, most observers
expect to see fundamental changes. Already, a number of
large-scale evaluations have been launched.
National or Multi-State
The passage of TANF almost immediately gave rise to
research studies proposing to track changes in state
welfare systems and estimate their effects on both state
welfare agencies and the poor. The studies will employ
various sources of data, including existing national
surveys, newly established ones, and administrative data
The Census Bureau Survey, mandated by the new
federal welfare law, is likely to be the most significant
source of national data on welfare reform. The law
includes $10 million a year for the Bureau to expand its
data collection through the Survey of Income and Program
Participation (SIPP).1
This new "Survey of Program Dynamics" will be
built on the data collected in the 1992 and 1993 SIPP
panels, thus extending data collection for these cohorts
through 2001. This will provide ten years of longitudinal
data on income, patterns of welfare receipt, and the
condition of children. Because the panels began three or
four years before the enactment of the welfare reform
bill, researchers will be able to assess the impact of
the bill by comparing this extensive baseline data with
data collected after the bill takes effect.
The U.S. General Accounting Office has
embarked on a multi-year project to monitor welfare
reform, which will include a 50-state overview and an
in-depth review of six states. The six-state review will
examine how these states structure their new welfare
programs, the challenges they encounter, and the outcomes
they achieve. The 50-state component will be based on
existing data sources and interviews of state officials
and others in two counties within each of the six
case-study states.
The Urban Institute, in collaboration with
Child Trends, Inc., and Westat, Inc., is conducting a
multi-faceted study, "Assessing the New
Federalism". This $50 million effort will monitor
and assess how the devolution2
of federal responsibility for social welfare programs is
being handled by states. It will provide information on
the policies, administration, and funding of social
programs in all 50 states, with a targeted effort aimed
at 13 states. It will include interviews with program
managers to determine how they are implementing the new
law and surveys of over 50,000 people to collect detailed
information about their economic and social
circumstances. One of the objectives of the study is to
determine the effects of devolution on the well-being of
children and families.
The Northwestern University/University of Chicago
Joint Center for Poverty Research (also called the
Poverty Center) has formed a national advisory panel
"to pursue the development of research-ready data
from administrative sources to be used for poverty
research". It is reviewing administrative data to
examine ways of improving its quality so that it can be
used for research. In the future, the Poverty Center
plans to make grants in support of such research.
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government
of the State University of New York (Albany) has
undertaken A Study of State Capacity that will examine
the implementation of the new welfare law in order to
gauge the capacity of state governments to operate
complex social programs. Examining the political,
administrative, and programmatic changes in states, it
seeks to determine the strengths and weaknesses in their
implementation of the law and to identify solutions to
the problems encountered. The study will be based on an
in-depth review of implementation in seven to ten states,
supplemented by a 50-state survey.
Mathematica Policy Research (MPR), Inc., will
use existing state administrative data and SIPP data to
create a microsimulation model capable of projecting the
new welfare law s impact on costs, caseloads,
distributional effects, and other outcomes.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
through its various organizational units, will fund
evaluations on selected subjects, including the Child
Care Research Partnership projects, the National
Longitudinal Study of Children and Families in the Child
Welfare System, the "Welfare Reform Studies and
Analyses" project, and several collaborations on
topics such as employment stability and immigration.
We also expect researchers to conduct a series of
smaller studies based on various large, longitudinal
surveys. In addition to the Census Bureau's newly
expanded SIPP survey, they will most likely use the Panel
Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), begun in 1968, and the
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), begun in
1979. Both provide information on annual and monthly
income and program participation, and are an important
source of data about intergenerational welfare use.
In the past, many important welfare studies have used
these surveys. For example, Bane and Ellwood used the
PSID to describe the patterns of welfare receipt,
including length of time on welfare and the reasons for
welfare entry and exit. Their research has enriched our
understanding of the heterogeneity of the welfare
population and aided in the formulation of public
policies designed to reduce welfare dependency.3 Building on their work,
Pavetti used the NLSY to analyze time on welfare and the
implications for time-limited welfare.4
The new welfare reforms are sure to increase the use of
these databases.
Community- and
Neighborhood-Based Evaluations
Several studies are planned to examine the effects of
welfare reform at the community or neighborhood level.
Unlike broad national or state studies, these studies
focus on the law's impact on urban areas, where
implementation is likely to pose the greatest challenges
and impacts are likely to be the most problematic.
Johns Hopkins University will conduct a
"Multi-City Study of the Effects of Welfare Reform
on Children", under the leadership of Lindsey
Chase-Lansdale, Linda Burton, Andrew Cherlin, Robert
Moffitt, and William J. Wilson. It will examine the
impact of welfare reform on children in Baltimore,
Boston, and Chicago communities. Surveys and
administrative data will be used to collect information
on families at several points in time, creating a
longitudinal database. In addition, children may be
tested to provide a fuller assessment of their
well-being. These data will be supplemented with
ethnographic community studies.
The Manpower Demonstration and Research
Corporation (MDRC) will conduct the Devolution and
Urban Change Project to assess the impact of devolution
on families living in economically depressed
neighborhoods in four to six large cities. The study will
examine changes in the "safety net" in the
cities studied and attempt to link agency practices to
outcomes for low-income families. The study will use
surveys, ethnographic research, administrative records,
and other data sources.
Princeton University, through its Office of
Population Research, plans to conduct the "Fragile
Families and Child Wellbeing Project". A birth
cohort study of unwed parents and their children, the
project s principal investigators will be Sara McLanahan,
Irwin Garfinkel, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. The study will
use a longitudinal design to follow, from birth to age
four, a new birth cohort of children born to unwed
mothers in certain large metropolitan areas. It will
provide information on the determinants of child
well-being in these families; the factors affecting the
involvement of unwed fathers; and the role of extended
families, community services, and government policies on
these families.
�1997 by the University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without permission in writing from the University of
Maryland except in cases of brief quotations embodied in news
articles, critical articles, or reviews. The views
expressed in the publications of the University of Maryland are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
the staff, advisory panels, officers, or trusties of the
University of Maryland
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