Current Evaluations
In the
next few years, the major sources of new information will
be the continuing evaluations of the 1988 welfare reform
law, the Family Support Act (FSA), and of the
waiver-based state welfare experiments that followed.
Each is described next.
of the Family Support Act
The last major
attempt to reform welfare was the Family Support Act
(FSA) of 1988, which created the Job Opportunities and
Basic Skills Training (JOBS) Program within the Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Program. The JOBS
Program provided AFDC recipients with employment,
training, and education-related activities, as well as
supportive services.
The FSA also
required states to impose work or
"participation" mandates on adult recipients.
States were to enroll increasing percentages of their
"mandatory" AFDC caseload1 in JOBS activities and to
target expenditures on individuals most likely to become
long-term welfare recipients. These participation rates
were gradually increased from 7 percent in fiscal year
1990 to 20 percent in 1995. For the first time, mothers
with children under the age of six were expected to
participate and states could extend this requirement to
those with children as young as one year of age.
The FSA imposed
considerably higher participation requirements on
two-parent families, who were eligible under the
Unemployed Parent (AFDC-UP) Program. Between fiscal years
1994 and 1997, participation was to rise from 40 percent
to 75 percent. Moreover, the required activities were
generally limited to employment and work activities, with
basic education encouraged only for younger recipients
who had not finished high school.
The FSA also
required states to ensure that teen mothers on welfare
finished high school or other education or training
programs. (This latter mandate, however, seems initially
to have been ignored by most states.)
To ease the
transition from welfare to work, the FSA provided up to
12 months of extended child care and Medicaid benefits.
The act also required states to adopt even stronger child
support enforcement measures, including immediate income
withholding, mandatory guidelines for establishing
support awards, and periodic review and adjustment of
support orders. Finally, it required all states to
operate an AFDC-UP program. (At that time, only about
half the states provided such aid.)
The major evaluation
of the JOBS Program is being conducted by the Manpower
Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC). It includes
process, impact, and cost-benefit analyses, as well as
special studies related to child well-being and the
effectiveness of adult education. A 1995 report describes
the program's preliminary, two-year impacts on
employment, earnings, and welfare receipt in three sites
(Atlanta, Georgia; Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Riverside,
California).2 Its two most notable findings were:
- "Labor
force attachment" strategies: Mandatory job
search activities followed by work experience or
short-term education or training for those who
did not find employment reduced welfare receipt
11 percentage points (68 percent for the control
group vs. 57 percent for the treatment group).
Monthly welfare payments declined by 22 percent
($276 vs. $216). Employment increased 8
percentage points (34 percent vs. 42 percent) and
average monthly earnings increased 26 percent
($226 vs. $285).
- "Human
capital development" strategies: Longer-term
education and training activities also produced
positive results, although not as great as those
for labor force attachment approaches. Welfare
receipt decreased by 4 percentage points (69
percent vs. 65 percent) and monthly welfare
payments declined 14 percent ($285 vs. $247).
However, there were no significant impacts on
overall employment or earnings.3
In addition, the
Rockefeller Institute of Government conducted a
ten-state, three-year study of the implementation of the
JOBS program by state and local governments. The study
described how different states used the flexibility under
JOBS to implement their programs. The findings covered a
wide range of topics, including the design of state JOBS
programs, child care and supportive services, case
management, and federal participation and targeting
requirements. Although it had no impact data, the study
concluded that JOBS was a promising approach, but would
benefit from additional funding and strong leadership
from federal and state lawmakers. In fact, it argued that
a major overhaul of the welfare system was not desirable,
given the promise of JOBS.4
demonstration projects are testing JOBS-like services for
special populations, such as teen parents, families no
longer receiving AFDC, and noncustodial parents of AFDC
The Teenage
Parent Demonstration is a randomized experiment
being evaluated by Mathematica Policy Research (MPR),
Inc. It required teen parents in three cities (Chicago,
Illinois; and Newark and Camden, New Jersey) to
participate in an education or training activity and then
seek employment. Case management and a rich array of
services, such as child care, transportation assistance,
and counseling, were also provided. During the two years
following intake, participation in school, job training,
or employment was 19 percent higher for those in the
treatment group than the control group (66 percent vs. 79
percent). However, impacts on employment and earnings
were more modest. Employment for the treatment group was
12 percent higher (43 percent vs. 48 percent) and monthly
earnings were up 20 percent ($114 per month vs. $137 per
month). Monthly AFDC benefits were 7 percent lower ($242
per month vs. $261 per month). However, over 60 percent
of the mothers experienced another birth and the birth
rate was actually somewhat higher for the treatment
group.5 A study soon to be released will
provide the results for a longer follow-up period.
The Post-Employment
Services Demonstration is another randomized
experiment being evaluated by MPR. Although many welfare
recipients leave welfare for work, many return. This
evaluation tests the impact of providing services, such
as assistance with family and social problems, on the
likelihood that such families will keep their jobs and
stay off welfare.6
The Parents'
Fair Share (PFS) Demonstration is being evaluated by
MDRC. It is intended to help reduce the welfare
dependency of children by requiring unemployed
noncustodial fathers to participate in employment-related
activities. The goal of the project is to increase the
earnings of these absent parents so that they can provide
more financial support for their children.7
of State Waiver Experiments
In his 1992 State of
the Union Address, President Bush encouraged states to
seek waivers of federal welfare rules in order to test
innovative new programs and policies. President Clinton
heightened federal support for the waiver process and
also streamlined it.
The actions of both
presidents sparked a flurry of state activity. By August
1996, when the new welfare law was signed, 43 states
already had waivers authorizing significant changes in
their programs. Waivers authorized states to impose time
limits on assistance, strengthen work and training
requirements, allow recipients to keep more of their
welfare income when they go to work, expand child care
and other services for families in work or training,
impose requirements and incentives for teen parents to
live at home and stay in school, and test many other
policies aimed at improving the well-being of needy
families with children.8
Since the official
purpose of these waivers was to allow states to
experiment with changes in federal programs, such
"experiments" were required to be
systematically evaluated. As a result, dozens of
large-scale evaluations are in progress, with many
initial reports published or soon to be published.
Many of the program
changes made through waivers closely resemble the changes
that are likely under the new welfare law. Hence, those
evaluations that were soundly designed and implemented
should contain valuable information to guide state
planning and implementation decisions. In fact, for some
years to come, the waiver evaluations will likely
constitute the best source of information about the
probable effects of various programmatic changes.
For example, MDRC
recently issued a report on the early experiences in
Florida, Vermont, and Wisconsin in implementing
time-limited welfare under waivers.9
Some of its
findings were: (1) Implementing time limits without
adequate planning poses significant risks to both
recipients and the program's credibility. States must
carefully assess the need for additional staff and staff
training, job training, child care, and management
information systems. (2) Communicating the new program
rules to recipients is extremely important but can be
difficult, especially when several far-reaching changes
are implemented simultaneously. It is essential to
explain the new policies to recipients clearly and
repeatedly. (3) Each state has expanded its JOBS program
and is trying to focus on employment, but their
approaches vary. For example, some place greater focus on
quick job entry and others on longer-term approaches.
(Impact data from these state demonstrations are only now
becoming available.)
In a 1995 study,
Pavetti and Duke of the Urban Institute examined waiver
programs in five states (Utah, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan,
and Vermont).10 The authors focused on implementation
issues raised by attempts to increase JOBS participation
substantially and to change the culture of welfare. Their
report concluded that states have taken different
approaches to reach similar goals.
Some key findings
include: (1) Participation rates for work or work-related
activities can be substantially raised in a relatively
short period of time, but program costs rise. (2) Child
care plays an important role in transforming the welfare
system into a more work-oriented system. (3) If large
numbers of recipients are placed in unsubsidized
employment and caseloads decline substantially, those
recipients left behind are likely to have multiple
barriers to employment. (4) The sanctioning of clients is
an important strategy for reforming the welfare system.
In November 1996,
Besharov and his colleagues at the American Enterprise
Institute collected information from 21 states on the
application of health-related rules authorized by the
waiver process.11 Their major findings include: (1)
Considerable state interest exists for using financial
sanctions or support services to change the behavior of
welfare mothers. (2) Most states adopted a program that
required recipients to establish their compliance with
immunization mandates, sanctioned recipients for
noncompliance (either initially or after a warning), and
provided "good cause" exemptions. (3) Sanctions
for failing to have children immunized ranged from $25 to
the entire portion of the mother's grant, usually for as
many months as the family was not complying with the
requirements. The limited data available suggest that the
sanctions were not severely burdensome on the families
involved. (4) Neither the monitoring and sanctioning
process nor the provision of support services seem to
have created an undue or prohibitive administrative
burden. (5) Subject to various methodological and
implementation problems, the results of two early
evaluations suggest significant increases in immunization
Dozens of additional
reports will be issued in the coming months and years.
The following is a sampling of what the states are doing.
Work Pays Demonstration Project combines benefit
reductions with expanded work incentives. An interim
impact report suggests that the demonstration has had
little effect on employment, earnings, or welfare
receipt.12 However, the implementation analysis
concluded that eligibility workers did not effectively
communicate to recipients the new rules, especially the
financial incentives for working, which may have
influenced the absence of effects.
Personal Responsibility and Employment Program seeks
to reduce welfare dependency by encouraging participation
in job training programs and increasing work incentives.
A preliminary analysis shows no reduction in welfare
receipt and a small increase in employment.13
Florida's Family
Transition Program combines a two-year time limit
with increased incentives for work. An interim
implementation study describes some of the early
challenges related to implementing a time-limited welfare
program. After 15 months, it produced modest increases in
employment and earnings, but it had no impact on AFDC
payments. In the sixth quarter, the demonstration
increased employment 15.4 percent (39.6 percent vs. 45.7
percent) and average earnings by 23.9 percent ($708 per
quarter vs. $877). However, there was no statistically
significant reduction in AFDC payments. The authors of
the Florida report conclude that "FTP's financial
work incentives have helped generate an increase in
family income without raising welfare spending; however,
in part because of the incentives, FTP is not reducing
the rate at which people are accumulating months toward
the time limit." Because these findings reflect the
period before any recipients had exhausted their
time-limited benefits, longer-term follow-up is needed to
gauge the program's impact.14
Preschool Immunization Project requires parents to
immunize their preschool children. Failure to comply can
result in the imposition of financial sanctions. An
interim report indicates that the program significantly
improved immunization rates.15 While encouraging, the
report's findings should be examined cautiously because
only about half of the AFDC families in the treatment and
control groups granted permission for evaluators to
examine their children's immunization records.
Consequently, the data indicating significant increases
in all categories of vaccinations may have been distorted
by self-selection biases. Families in the treatment group
that were in full compliance with the immunization
requirements were presumably somewhat more likely to open
their children's records to evaluators.
Iowa's Family
Investment Plan tests the impact of a social
contract that provides time-limited services and tough
penalties for those who fail to comply with the
agreement. A special report summarizes the findings of a
survey of 137 cases whose cash benefits had been
terminated for noncompliance: 40 percent experienced an
increase in total income, primarily earnings, but nearly
half experienced a drop in income, averaging $384.16 The report is the first
in-depth study of what happens to families who are
terminated from welfare. Forthcoming reports will assess
the demonstration's impact on welfare dependency.
Primary Prevention Initiative requires parents to
ensure that children meet certain education and
preventive health requirements, with sanctions imposed
for each child not in compliance with the demonstration's
requirements. An interim report found that the
demonstration has not had a significant impact on school
attendance rates.17
Michigan's To
Strengthen Michigan Families program was initially
designed to test the impact of various work incentives
and requirements, but has since been expanded to include
other objectives as well, such as increasing immunization
rates and requiring minor mothers to live at home. Annual
evaluation reports indicate that the state's welfare
reform program has led to modest improvements in
employment and earnings, and small reductions in welfare
receipt.18 For families that were receiving
assistance when the demonstration started, the program
increased employment by 1.2 percentage points and annual
earnings by $223, or 7 percent, over the four-year period
they were exposed to the new policies.
Family Investment Program combines AFDC and Food
Stamps into a single cash grant and expands work
incentives. An interim report found that after six
months, the program significantly increased welfare
receipt and the number of families combining welfare with
work, but cautions that it is too early to draw any firm
conclusions about the program's impacts.19
New York State's
Child Assistance Program is a voluntary alternative
to AFDC. It provides enhanced work incentives for
single-parent families who work and include at least one
child covered by a court order for child support from the
noncustodial parent. A five-year impact report found a 4
percent reduction in welfare payments and a 20 percent increase in
Ohio's Learning,
Earning, and Parenting demonstration tests the
impact of using welfare bonuses and sanctions to enforce
school attendance requirements on teen parents. Several
reports suggest that the intervention has produced modest
impacts on school attendance and completion rates, as
well as subsequent employment.21 At the four-year point, 93
percent of those assigned to the program had qualified
for a financial bonus or penalty. Although LEAP increased
school enrollment, attendance, and progress through the
11th grade, it did not increase high school graduation
for the full sample of teen parents. It also increased
employment for this group by nearly 5 percentage points
(60 percent vs. 65 percent) in the fourth year of
Utah's Single
Parent Employment Demonstration is a multi-faceted
welfare reform demonstration that allows families that
appear eligible for AFDC to be diverted from AFDC through
payments that can be up to three times the regular
monthly grant. An interim report indicates that about 10
percent of all applicants have been diverted, and only a
small number of diverted families have returned to AFDC.
Since diversion is but one of many components of the
demonstration, it is not possible to know for certain
what impact it has had, but it appears to be a promising
Learnfare program tested the impact of using welfare
sanctions to enforce school attendance requirements on
all teens receiving welfare, not just teen parents. The
evaluation found that the demonstration has had little
effect on improving school attendance. It also suggests
that, at least in Milwaukee, the program has suffered
from substantial implementation failures.23
Some evaluations of
the waiver experiments will be halted now that a welfare
reform law has passed, but many others will continue. The
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) concluded
that these experimental programs could provide important
information about the implementation and impact of
various welfare reform strategies. Hence, in November
1996, it announced support for the continuation of these
evaluations (called "State Welfare Reform
Evaluation" projects). At least $7.5 million in
annual funding will be available. Thirty states,
representing 43 demonstration projects, responded by the
deadline. As of June 1997, nine states had been funded to
continue their evaluations; the other states are eligible
to receive planning grants to develop evaluation plans,
with $4 million in funds to be awarded through a
competitive process.
In addition, HHS is
conducting a "Project on State-Level Child Outcomes:
Enhancing Measurement of Child Outcomes in State Welfare
Evaluations." Twelve states have been selected to
participate in a one-year planning project to assess how
their existing welfare reform evaluations could be
supplemented to provide more in-depth and uniform
measures of child outcomes. This will lead to the
selection of about five states, with funding of $3.7
million over a three-year period, to assess the impact of
welfare reform on child well-being. The effort is
intended to help states expand their data capabilities
and to measure and track child outcomes on an ongoing
basis. Technical assistance is being provided by Child
Trends to assist the states and the federal government in
the planning and implementation of this project.
Within the next two
or three years, therefore, there will be dozens of
reports on a myriad of state experiments, including
different approaches to earnings disregards, asset
limits, work requirements, sanctions, time limits,
transitional benefits, family caps, immunization and
school attendance requirements, requirements on teen
parents, and child support enforcement.
The foregoing
discussion has concentrated on research and evaluation
studies that focus directly on reforms to the AFDC
Program. Many other studies of equal or greater
importance are also under way.24 Some of the most well known
are described below.
The New Chance
Demonstration provided comprehensive, multi-year
education, training, parenting, child care, and other
services to young mothers who had children as teenagers
and were also high school dropouts. After 42 months, the
program raised school attendance and education attainment
rates; 52 percent of the treatment group had received a
high school diploma or GED compared to just 44 percent of
the control group. However, it had no significant impact
on many other outcomes, such as employment, earnings,
welfare receipt, reading skills, and health status. In
addition, the New Chance mothers were more likely to have
had another pregnancy than those in the control group,
and equally likely to still be on welfare.25
Self-Sufficiency Project offers a temporary earnings
supplement to public assistance recipients. Employment
increased by 13.1 percentage points (nearly 50 percent)
and average monthly earnings rose $137 (almost 60
percent) in the fifth quarter after enrollment. During
this period, the incidence of welfare receipt declined 14
percentage points and average monthly welfare payments
fell by $117. However, when the supplemental payment is
counted as a government payment, the treatment group is
more likely to receive assistance and its payments are
The New Hope
Project is a test of a neighborhood-based
antipoverty program and welfare alternative operating in
Milwaukee.27 The project is still in its early
� 1997 by the University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland. All rights reserved. No part
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articles, critical articles, or reviews. The views
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