New Jersey�s
Family Development Program: An Overview and Critique of the Rutgers�
Peter H. Rossi, Social and Demographic Research Institute, University of Massachusetts
at Amherst
-- Authorized
by a waiver from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), New
Jersey reconfigured its Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
program in 1992. The authorizing legislation was passed in February 1992 and was
implemented in October 1992. The refurbished AFDC, renamed the �New Jersey
Family Development Program� (FDP), had the following features:
�family cap.�
AFDC benefits were not increased for additional children born to AFDC payees if
the children were conceived while their mother was on the rolls. The family cap
did not apply to other benefits, such as food stamps, WIC, Medicaid, or housing
more generous earned-income disregard for
AFDC recipients sanctioned under the family cap. Benefits
were not reduced because of earnings until the recipient earned an amount equal
to 50 percent of cash benefits.
marriage penalty.
Financial penalties that applied under AFDC for marriage or remarriage were
benefits for two-parent households.
Benefits for two-parent households were made more generous.
Medicaid eligibility. Medicaid
eligibility was continued for two years after leaving welfare for employment, an
increase of one year.
emphasis on employment services. The
welfare department emphasized employment training and education to prepare
recipients for employment.
for noncompliance. When
a recipient failed to comply with requirements concerning employment-related
activities, benefits were reduced.
FDP�s family cap applied only to AFDC cash benefits, its effects were somewhat
softened by increased benefits from other programs. The birth of a child
increased a family�s food stamps benefits. Women sanctioned under the family
cap could still participate in WIC and receive infant formula for additional
children. If a sanctioned woman entered the labor force, her AFDC benefits were
not reduced because of her earnings.
Although FDP was a �bundle� of changes, the feature that attracted
the most attention in New Jersey�and nationwide�was the family cap.
Accordingly, the evaluation of the effectiveness of FDP and the discussions of
its findings have focused on FDP�s effects on fertility, contraceptive use,
abortions, and sterilizations, with lesser attention given to effects on
earnings and employment.
As a
condition for granting the waiver, HHS had insisted that FDP be evaluated using
a randomized experiment. The New Jersey Department of Human Services (NJDHS)
contracted with the Rutgers University School of Social Work to conduct this
evaluation. The experimental group�s members would experience FDP, and the
control group would continue on AFDC. Although most of the data collected would
be drawn from administrative data, some evidence would come from a survey of
participants to be undertaken at the end of the experiment. The experiment was
to run from October 1992 through December 1996.
was responsible for most of the operational aspects of the experiment; it took
on the tasks of selecting participants, randomly allocating participants into
experimental and control groups, training welfare workers in the rules governing
how experimental and control participants were to be treated, and informing
participants about the rules that applied to them. The main responsibilities of
the Rutgers evaluation group were to analyze the data sets and to design and
conduct the participant surveys.
This paper
reviews and assesses the FDP evaluation; it is almost entirely based on the
final reports of the FDP evaluation (Camasso et al. 1998a,b). The next section
describes the FDP experiment, the procedures used, and the experimental
findings. The following section focuses on the pre�post analysis, and the
final section summarizes the findings and assesses what has been learned from
the FDP evaluation
FDP Randomized Experiment
First, control group members had to be informed (and persuaded) that the
provisions of FDP that were widely discussed in the mass media and which some of
their kin, friends, and neighbors experienced did not apply to them. Second, welfare workers handling control group
cases also needed to be aware of their special status and apply appropriate
rules not only when the cases were active but also if they left the rolls and
subsequently reapplied.
The evidence
shows that maintaining the integrity of the control group was problematic.
Although control group members were told about their status at the time they
were enrolled in the experiment and were sent letters with that information, the
final report does not contain any information on how that knowledge was
reinforced by additional written or oral communications (Camasso et al. 1998a).
In addition, in the first year or so, about 20 control group recipients who had
additional children were not given the increases in benefits that were called
for by the rules of the experiment. Because only a small proportion of
recipients will have children in that period of time, this situation implies
that a much larger number of women were mistakenly treated as if they were under
FDP rules.
In addition,
a 1995 survey of a sample of participants in the experiment found that there was
considerable confusion among both experimental and control group members about
the welfare rules to which they were subject and even about whether they were
members of the control group. As shown in panel A of table 2, a majority (55%)
of the control group respondents claimed that they had not been told they were
in the control group, and more than a quarter (28%) of those in the experimental
group claimed that they had been told they were control group members. Even more
disturbing are the findings shown in panel B, which summarizes the answers
participants gave to questions about whether they were subject to the family-cap
rules. Only 7 percent of the control group believed that they would receive
additional cash benefits were they to have additional children, and 35 percent
believed that they would receive no additional benefits after having an additional child. Note that
no substantial differences exist between experimental group members and control
group members in their answers to these questions.
experimental nor control group members correctly understood the rules of FDP and
Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC). Whether in the experimental or
control group, an additional child meant that food-stamp benefits would be
increased and Medicaid coverage would be extended to the child: Only small
numbers in both groups understood this correctly. More than one-third of each
group believed that they would not receive any additional benefits�they, too,
were incorrect. Participants in both the experimental group and the control
group would receive increases in food stamps, and their additional children
would be covered by Medicaid.
Although the
findings shown in table 2 raise strong doubts about the degree of fidelity with
which control conditions were maintained in the experiment, the survey data
cannot be considered definitive. The questionnaire item shown in panel A appears
to be poorly worded: �control group� is scarcely a term used frequently in
everyday discourse, and respondents simply may not perceive their status in
terms of membership in a control group. The question used in panel B also is
problematic. Few of the respondents may have faced the issue of pregnancy: were
they to do so, many would quickly try to find out what the implications of
pregnancy were for their benefit status. After all, when asked, many Americans
are not able to name the ocean they would have to cross to get to Europe, but
when contemplating such a trip, few would fail to find out how to get there. For
most practical purposes, sufficient knowledge is not complete knowledge. These
considerations argue against taking the findings shown in table 2 as indicators
of serious deterioration of experimental conditions. Nonetheless, those findings
do indicate that the experiment was compromised to some degree.
The effect
of poor implementation on experimental findings arises from the dilution of the
contrast between experimental and control groups. Assuming that there was no
bias in the implementation failure�that is, families who were given the wrong
treatment were not different from families who received the treatment for which
they were designated�the differences between the two groups would be
diminished, and the standard errors of that difference would become enlarged in
the data analysis. In the case of extensive implementation failure, an effective
treatment would appear to be ineffective.
Table 3
shows the major outcomes used in the impact analysis and their sources. Note
that only administrative data are used. The Family Assistance Management
Information System (FAMIS) maintained by the New Jersey Department of Family
Assistance was the source for information on welfare dependency, welfare
payments, births, and earned income and employment as well as covariates used in
the analyses. The Medicaid payment file, which contained records of payments
made for abortions, contraceptive services, and sterilizations, was linked to
families enrolled in the experiment through common AFDC case identifiers. The
New Jersey Department of Labor�s (NJDOL�s) wage files consisted of
employers� quarterly reports on wages paid for each employee and were linked
to the FAMIS files through names and social security numbers.
Births are
recorded both in FAMIS and in the Medicaid payment files.
FAMIS records were used for the experiment because New Jersey Medicaid files
showed an abrupt downward shift in births during the last years of the
experiment, apparently resulting from a shift to HMOs that led to a decline in
recording. Inherent weaknesses exist in the birth, contraceptive services use,
abortion, and sterility measures. Births only are detected when people are on
the welfare rolls, and the last three measures only are detected when recipients
are on the Medicaid rolls. Unrecorded events, however, are relevant. Even though
when a family is off the welfare rolls, additional births do not affect income,
re-enrollment would affect welfare payments for the experimental group. These
considerations also make abortions, contraceptive use, and sterilizations
relevant for families off welfare rolls.
gaps also exist in the earnings and employment data, measurements of which were
not taken for the periods when members of the experiment were not on the welfare
rolls. One of the goals of FDP was to encourage recipients to leave welfare by
becoming employed. Accordingly, earnings and employment after leaving welfare
are important outcome indicators.
The Rutgers
research group elected to use a pooled cross-section strategy for data analysis,
applicable to nonexperimental data, which permitted the use of the �perforated�
administrative data sets.
The �pooled cross-section� approach also is used for the analysis of
the pre�post data. The units of analysis are �recipient-quarters,� defined
as a quarter in which a recipient is enrolled on welfare. More than 125,000
recipient-quarters were used in the analyses. The outcome measures were defined
for each recipient-quarter. For example, if a recipient gave birth to a child in
a quarter, the �births� outcome variable is 1 for that quarter; otherwise,
it is recorded as 0. Of course, continuous outcome variables such as earnings
are recorded as continuous variables. This analytic strategy used meant that the
major advantages of the experimental design were lost. Potentially large
selection biases were possible, which could arise from enrollment changes
subsequent to randomization. The researchers calculated multivariate statistical
models, regressing each outcome variable on experimental status and a set of
covariates obtained from the FAMIS files. Table 4 lists the regressors typically
used in the equations.
The effects
of FDP were meant to be captured by �treatment status,� a dummy variable
marking whether the recipient was in the experimental group, and an interaction
term, �time*status,� which measured time trends in experimental effects. The
variable �time� measured the trend in the outcome independent of
experimental effects. The remaining regressors in table 4 are covariates
included because they ordinarily affect outcomes. Their use can make the
estimates of effects more precise by reducing their standard errors. For
example, the New Jersey welfare system varies to some degree from county to
county, and age clearly affects outcomes such as fertility.
The data set
presented some tricky problems. First, although no attempt to link data sets is
completely successful, in this case, for some of the matching, it was unclear
how much missing data existed. For example, if it was not possible to find a
record for a recipient in the NJDOL wages file, it could mean either that the
recipient had no earnings or that an existing record with earnings for that
person could not be matched. The problem lies in the matching process. An error
in recording social security numbers could mean a person had some earnings but
could not be identified as an AFDC recipient. Errors in linking FAMIS and
Medicaid could have been detected because all study participants should have
been in both data sets. Unfortunately, the report is silent about how successful
the linking was.
Second, the
FAMIS data set only included members of the experiment when they were enrolled
in FDP or AFDC. Although Medicaid records may have included some members when
not enrolled, no linkages can be made for unenrolled periods. Consequently,
children conceived while an experimental group member was enrolled but who were
born when that member was unenrolled were not covered.
Third, the
multiple quarter records for a given recipient are not independent; that is, a
recipient�s fertility status in one quarter is related to her fertility status
in another quarter. For example, a woman who gives birth in a given quarter
cannot give birth again for at least three quarters and, most likely, for a
longer period. A woman who undergoes sterilization in a quarter cannot give
birth in any subsequent quarter. A woman practicing contraception in a quarter
is more likely to continue doing so. These intrapersonal dependencies across
records, if not taken into account, can lead to understated standard errors.
Fourth, as
treated in the analyses, the outcomes are binary variables; for example, a
recipient either gives birth in a quarter or does not. As a result, statistical
models used for such outcomes must take that outcome characteristic into
account. In particular, ordinary least squares is not appropriate for
binary outcome variables.
unable to choose definitively among alternative statistical models,
the researchers present the results from four different estimation procedures:
(1) ordinary least squares (OLS ), (2) logit regression, (3) probit regression,
and (4) OLS with Huber correction for clustered data. Each of the statistical
models rests on different assumptions concerning data characteristics. The two
OLS models are designed for use with continuous outcome (dependent) variables
that can take on any numerical value, whereas logit and probit regression are
designed for binary dependent variables. The logit and probit models differ in
their assumptions about the distributions of error terms. The OLS model with
Huber corrections is designed to take into account dependence among data
Given that
the outcome variables are binary variables, the choice of either OLS or OLS with
Huber corrections is clearly wrong: logit or probit is clearly the appropriate
model. In the versions used, however, neither logit nor probit take into account
the dependencies among observations, so standard errors are underestimated and
calculated coefficients may appear to be statistically significant when they are
not. This deficiency is not inherent in either logit or probit: advanced
statistical software packages typically provide Huber corrections for logit and
probit as well as pooled cross-section fixed-effects logit and probit models.
The fact
that the researchers did not apply appropriate statistical models in their data
analyses means that it is difficult to assess the worth of their findings. By
and large, the four models usually produce coefficients that are similarly
signed, but not always. Results that are shown as statistically significant may
not be so when compared with the most appropriate approach.
Welfare Dependency.
Fertility-Related Behavior.
intent of the family cap was to reduce births to welfare mothers and to increase
behaviors that would foster that result. Accordingly, a major portion of the
analysis was devoted to estimating experimental effects on births, abortions,
the use of family-planning services, contraceptive use, and sterilizations.
Table 5 summarizes the findings for both new and ongoing cases. Each entry in
the table is a coefficient for experimental effects derived from each of four
statistical procedures. The rows labeled �treatment� are the coefficients
for the experimental group: a positive coefficient means that the experimental
group experienced more of that outcome variable, whereas a negative coefficient
means that the experimental group experienced fewer of those events compared
with the control group. The coefficients for the time*status variable measure
the trends over time in the outcome for the experimental group. A positive
coefficient means that the variable increased over time in the experimental
Panel A of
table 5 lists the coefficients for births occurring to the welfare recipients.
For ongoing cases, the probit and logit equations found that births declined in
the experimental group as time went on. Among new cases, the experimental group
experienced fewer births than the control group throughout the time period
(i.e., there was no trend.) Note that the two OLS equations find no significant
differences between the experimental and control families.
Panel B
shows the results for the births variable for a subset restricted to recipients
ages 15 to 45. In addition, the three quarters following a birth were excluded
from the analysis, because births in those quarters are physically impossible.
The findings are quite similar to the findings in Panel A, except that the
coefficients are slightly larger.
Panel C
lists the effects on the number of abortions obtained by recipients ages 15 to
45. Here the findings tend to be fairly consistent across models, with no
significant differences between ongoing cases in the experimental and control
groups. Significant positive coefficients were found for new cases, however,
suggesting that newly enrolled welfare recipients in the experimental group were
more likely to abort pregnancies than their counterparts in the control group.
Possible explanations for the differences between experimental and control group
members are not given in the report.
Panel D
shows the effects on visits to family-planning services. Ongoing, but not new,
cases in the experimental group were more likely than their control group
counterparts to use those services. Panel E shows contradictory findings
concerning contraceptive use: ongoing cases in the experimental group were less
likely to use contraceptive services, but new cases in the experimental group
were more likely to do so. Finally, Panel F contains somewhat contradictory
findings concerning sterilizations, but the researchers claim that the data on
sterilizations were likely to be invalid because of a shift toward managed care
toward the end of the experiment.
It is
difficult to know what to make of the findings shown in table 5. If we disregard
the issue of whether the statistical models are appropriate, clear differences
often exist between ongoing and new cases in their reactions to the experimental
treatment. This may be an important finding about the reactions of long-term
versus short-term recipients. However, it is difficult to ignore the
model-selection problem. Many of the coefficients for logit and probit, arguably
the best models used, have associated t values
that are not very large,
raising the question of whether corrections for the lack of independence among
observations would lower those values to insignificant levels. The deficiencies
in the analyses, coupled with the disturbing signs that the experiment may not
have been successfully implemented, lead to low confidence that the findings are
firm enough to take seriously.
The time period studied was from January 1991 through December 1996,
which provided 22 months of observations before FDP�s implementation and 38
months of observations under FDP. The pre�post analysis used administrative
data from the sources shown in table 3, primarily FAMIS and Medicaid payment
files. No data were collected from the employment and wages files of the NJDOL.
pre�post analysis used two analysis strategies. First, the data were presented
as aggregated by quarter and analyzed as an interrupted time series�that is,
the before-FDP trends in major outcomes were contrasted with outcome trends in
the post-FDP period, using tests to discern whether the trends in the two time
periods differ. The time-series analyses showed no clear differences in births,
but they did show that abortions increased in the post-FDP period.
The second
analysis strategy relied on disaggregated data. The unit of analysis, the
client-quarter, was identical to that of the FDP experiment; more than 2.3
million client-quarters were generated in the analysis.
The outcome variables are identical to those shown in table 3, except that wages
and earning data from NJDOL files were not used.
The approach
also was quite similar to that used in the analysis of the experiment, although
the FDP effects were modeled somewhat differently. The post-FDP time period was
divided into two segments, with FDP modeled by separate terms in each period,
defined as follows:
The period of
FDP implementation (December 1992 to September 1993)
The period of full implementation (October 1993 to
December 1996)
An interaction
term capturing the trend during implementation
An interaction term capturing time trends during the full implementation period.
Panels A and
B show the effect coefficients for births to the welfare recipient (excluding
births to other female household members). Panel B shows data based on excluding
for each birth the three subsequent quarters. Both panels tell much the same
story. Although births to recipients after FDP increased, there was a decided
tendency for them to decrease over the middle period and the post period.
Considering the middle and post period together, the result was a lower birth
rate for the post-FDP period.
Using the
coefficients shown in Panel A, the researchers calculated
the total number of births averted as follows:
equation: 15,158 births averted
equation: 11,316 births averted
equation: 14,057 births averted.
Panel C
lists the coefficients for abortions, which appear to indicate an increase in
abortions in the period of full implementation of FDP. However, the coefficients
for the post-period are weakly positive, with
t values around 2.5. The Rutgers research team calculated the number of
abortions produced by FDP as follows:
OLS: 2,064
Logit: 1,216
1,329 abortions.
of the New Jersey FDP Evaluation
best judgment is that the Family Development Program and its family cap had a
definite effect on the family formation decisions of women on AFDC in New
Jersey. Women on AFDC who were considering whether or not to bear more children
were influenced by the additional financial restrictions of the family cap.
While the estimated magnitudes of these impacts may vary with differences in
methodology and estimates methods, the ultimate outcome remains the same. The
net effect is a reduction in pregnancies and births among women on AFDC in New
Jersey; this conclusion is supported by research reported here and elsewhere,
and is consistent with expectations derived from economic analyses. (Camasso et
al. 1998b, 164.)
examination of the methods used and the findings themselves do not strongly
support the firmness of the researchers� conclusions. This assertion does not
mean that FDP had no effects on births and abortions or that the effects were
opposite in sign to those claimed; it only means that the deficiencies in the
research lead this reviewer to conclude that the various forms of evidence in
the reports are not firm enough to support the researchers� claims. My
assertions are based on the following three reasons:
The implementation of the FDP experiment was flawed sufficiently to
undermine the resulting data. Little evidence indicates that members of the
experimental and control groups knew the particular AFDC and FDP rules to which
they were subject. According to the survey of families in the experiment, both
experimental and control groups believed overwhelmingly that they were subject
to the family cap, a finding so strong that it overcomes the survey�s poor
response rate. Although analysis of the data showed some FDP effects, the
deficiencies in analysis methods must be taken into consideration. In addition,
the omission of fertility events occurring while families were not enrolled in
AFDC means that the analyses cannot be regarded as taking advantage of the
randomized experimental design.
The pre�post analysis is an evaluation research design that cannot
support definitive estimates of the effects of a program. In particular, that
design cannot take into account the effects of time or other events that might
affect outcomes. Some evidence shows that changes in the AFDC population
occurred during the same period in which FDP was enacted and implemented. The
effects estimated by the pre�post analysis are likely confounded with those
The statistical models used to estimate the net effects of FDP are not
appropriate, given the characteristics of the data. The use of linear multiple
regression (OLS) with binary dependent variables is simply incorrect. Indeed, it
is surprising that the researchers present OLS results and appear to regard them
as valid. Although logit and probit regressions are designed for use with binary
dependent variables, the likely presence of statistical dependencies within
observations made on individual welfare recipients means that the resulting
standard errors of effect coefficients are underestimated. Consequently, some or
all of the effect coefficients that were marked as statistically significant in
the reports may not be so had those dependencies been taken into account. If
such corrections had been made, however, it is unlikely that the signs of
coefficients would have changed.
The FDP may
have had the effects that the Rutgers research group claim, or it may not have
had those effects. We simply do not know from this research, because the
deficiencies noted above are serious enough to cast strong doubts on the
validity of the findings.
This paper has benefited from comments made on an
earlier draft of this paper by Professor Michael Camasso and his co-authors,
Howard Rolston, HHS, Rudolph Myers, NJDHS, and Michael Laracy, Annie E. Casey
Foundation. Their comments allowed me to correct some factual errors I had made
in that draft and to clear up some ambiguous statements. They also disputed many
of my assessments. I was convinced by some of their comments, and made changes.
I did not make any changes in response to those objections with which I could
not agree. I am grateful for all the comments made.
Camasso, M. J.; Harvey, C.; Jagannathan, R.; and
Killingsworth, M. 1998a. A final report on
the impact of New Jersey�s Family Development Program. New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers University.
Camasso, M. J.; Harvey, C.; Jagannathan, R.; and
Killingsworth, M. 1998b. A final report on
the impact of New Jersey�s Family Development Program. Results
from a pre-post analysis of AFDC case heads from 1990 to 1996. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University.
M. J.; Harvey, C.; and Jagannathan, R. 1998. Cost-benefit
analysis of New Jersey�s Family Development Program: Final report. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University.
Note: Ongoing
cases were those on the rolls as of October 1, 1992. New applicants were those
enrolled between October 1, 1992, and December 31, 1994.
2. Recipient Understanding of Group Membership and Welfare Rules: Client Survey
A. Perceived and
Actual Membership in Experimental and Control Groups
to �Have you been told that you are included in a �control group� of
welfare recipients who receive welfare benefits under the old welfare rules
called REACH or JOBS?�
Assigned Membership
Welfare Recipient Perceptions of Applicability of Family Cap Provisions to Own
to �If you were to remain on welfare and have a baby one year from now, what,
if any, additional benefits would your child receive? Additional food stamps?
Additional cash benefits? Additional Medicaid? No additional benefits of any
Group (%)
Group (%)
food stamps?
cash benefits?
additional benefits of any kind?
Responses were recorded separately for each benefit.
3. Outcome Measures and Data Sources Used in the Impact Assessment of FDP
dependency (enrollment)
Payment Files
Payment Files
Payment Files
and employment
Jersey Wage Reporting System and FAMIS
= New Jersey Family Assistance Management Information System
4. Regressors Used in Multivariate Analyses
= Experimental group; 0 = control
and treatment status interaction term
in treatment
of quarters enrolled
of observation
set of dummy variables for the season of the observation
of recipient in years
for �children only� payment cases
set of dummy variables for race of recipient
set of dummy variables for educational attainment
of eligible children covered by benefit
income of adult female recipient
set of dummy variables for each of the counties included
unemployment rate
county unemployment rate
participation rate
of households enrolled in welfare in county
5. Treatment-Effect Coefficients for Fertility-Related Behaviors
A. Own Births
(Ages 15�45)
B. Own Births
(Adjusted Risk Pool Ages 15�45)
C. Abortions
(Ages 15�45)
D. Family
Planning Services
E. Contraceptive
NC =
coefficients were not calculated.
* =
coefficient significant at p �
6. Treatment-Effect Coefficients for Pre�Post Analyses of Fertility-Related
A. Own Births
B. Own Births
(Restricted Risk Poola)
C. Abortions
D. Family
removed for three quarters after each birth.
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