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Program Committee

Program Co-chairs:

Prof. M. Ramesh (co-chair)
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Social Policy in East and South East Asia: Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan (2004)
Welfare Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Social Security, Health and Education Policies (2000)

Prof. Douglas J. Besharov (co-chair)
School of Public Policy, University of Maryland
Family and Child Well-Being after Welfare Reform (2003)
Comparative Policy Analysis series, co-editor, Oxford University Press
President, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (2008)

Members of the Program Committee:

Kenneth Apfel, University of Maryland, is professor of the practice at the School of Public Policy. He has been legislative director for U.S. Senator Bill Bradley (1989�1993); Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1993�1995); and Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration (1997�2001). His research focuses on aging, health care, and retirement issues. His published work includes Big Choices: The Future of Health Insurance for Older Americans (2006) and Big Choices: Health Insurance for America's Families (2005).

Richard Burkhauser, Cornell University, is professor of policy analysis and economics in the College of Human Ecology, where he is also co-principal investigator for the Center for Economic Research on Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities. He has been a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance Panel on Disability Policy Reform (1994-1995); co-editor of the Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (1999-); and principal investigator of "Modeling Early Retirement of Deaf Workers" for the National Institute on Aging (2005-2007). His research focuses on how government policies affect vulnerable populations such as the disabled, poor, and elderly. His published work includes Income Mobility and the Middle Class (1996) and The Economics of an Aging Society (2004).

Neil Gilbert, University of California (Berkeley), is professor of social services in the School of Social Welfare. He is the director of the Center for Comparative Family Welfare and Poverty Research, which examines how industrialized nations respond to the needs of working families. He has been a Senior Research Fellow at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (1975); a Fulbright Senior Fellow at the National Institute for Social Work, studying Britain�s changing welfare system (1981); and a Visiting Scholar at the International Social Security Association in Geneva (1997). His research focuses on child welfare, program evaluation, and comparative welfare state analysis. His published work includes Capitalism and the Welfare State (1984) and Transformation of the Welfare State: The Silent Surrender of Public Responsibility (2002).

Yosuke Hirayama, Kobe University, Japan, is a professor of housing and urban studies. He is a member of Housing Committee of the City of Kobe, a director of Japan Housing Council, and a member of the Steering Committee of Asia-Pacific Network of Housing Research. He has interests in housing systems, urban restructuring, and neighborhood development. His current projects include research on housing experiences in post-war Japan, on housing and insecurity in urban Japan, and on cross-national comparisons of housing systems in the globalizing world. His published work (in English) includes contributions to Housing and Family Wealth: Comparative International Perspectives (1995), and Comparing Social Policies: Exploring New Perspectives in Britain and Japan (2003).

Mann Hyung Hur, Konkuk University, South Korea, is currently spending his 2008-2009 sabbatical year with the University of Maryland�s School of Public Policy as a Research Scholar. He started his career as an assistant professor at the Department of Social Welfare, Konkuk University, Korea in 1992. From March 2005 to December 2006, he served as Director General of Government Policy Evaluation in Korea where he was in charge of establishing and operating total quality management and performance evaluation systems for 48 different agencies of the Korean government. His publications include "Empowerment in terms of theoretical perspectives: Exploring a typology of the process and components across disciplines" (2006), �Demographic, Habitual and Socioeconomic Determinants of Internet Addiction Disorder: An Empirical Study of Korean Teenagers� (2006), and �The Influence of Total Quality Management Practices on the Transformation of the Way Organizations Work: The Case of Korea� (Forthcoming).

Ilan Katz, University of New South Wales, Sydney, is the director of the Social Policy Research Centre. He was an investigator on the National Evaluation of Sure Start, and of the Families and Neighbourhoods Study. His main research interests include evaluations of government interventions relating to families, the development of neighbourhood indexes, community and social capital, child protection, international comparison of child welfare systems, parents with mental health problems, and race and ethnicity. His current research projects include the evaluation of the DoCS Early intervention Program, the national evaluation of the Commonwealth Government�s Stronger Families and Communities Strategy, private and public expenditure on early childhood, child protection in China, and measuring changes in community strength. His published work includes Evaluating Family Support � Thinking Critically, Thinking Internationally (2003).

Hye Kyung Lee, Yonsei University, Korea, is dean and professor at the Graduate School of Social Welfare, and is the director of the Center for Social Welfare Research and the Kayang-4 Community Welfare Center. She is also president of the Korean Social Security Association, and vice chair of the Expert Committee for National Pension Fund Management. Her research focuses on social security and social welfare policy. Her recent written work includes "Social Security in South Korea: Programs and Policy Issues," presented at "Social Security Systems in Asian Countries: A Comparison of Problems and Perspectives" (China); and "Accessibility Issues in Social Security Policy," prepared for the Korea Institute for Social Information and Research.

Rebecca Maynard, University of Pennsylvania, is professor of social policy in the School of Education, where she is also director of the Pre-doctoral Training Program for Methods in Education Research. She has been Senior Vice President at Mathematica Policy Research, which designs and evaluates programs in welfare, employment, and education (1986�1992); director of monitoring and evaluation for the Children's AIDS Fund on HIV-prevention programs in Uganda, Zambia, and South Africa (2007); and advisor to the Academic Board of the Western International School of Shanghai (2007�). Her research focuses on policy analysis, child care, welfare, and employment training policy. Her published work includes The New Paternalism: Supervisory Approaches to Welfare (1997) and Policy Into Action: Implementation Research and Welfare Reform (2003).

Sandra Newman, Johns Hopkins University, is director of the Institute for Policy Studies, where she is also professor of social policy. She has been a Visiting Research Scholar at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Her research focuses on employment, welfare, and housing policy for vulnerable populations such as the homeless, mentally ill, and elderly. Her published work includes Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Reexamining the Purpose and Effects of Housing Assistance (1992) and The Home Front: Implications of Welfare Reform on Housing Policy (1999).

Judith A. Shinogle, University of Maryland, Baltimore County is an economist at the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research. She received the 2004 NCHS/AcademyHealth Policy Fellowship to examine how state polices affect the generosity of health and mental health insurance coverage using the National Health Employer Health Insurance Survey. Prior to joining the University of Maryland, she was a Senior Economist at RTI, International in their Washington, D.C. office. Her work at RTI included examining patterns of expenditures and utilization of health services in the military pediatric populations as well as examining small area variation. Dr. Shinogle was involved in several projects on the Medicare Prescription drug benefit that included developing methods for examining adverse drug events in claims data, examining generosity of the benefit and how states will implement this program for duals with severe mental illness. She was an assistant professor of economics in the Pharmaceutical Outcomes Sciences Department at University of South Carolina's College of Pharmacy and the Arnold School of Public Health. Her research focused on modeling the interaction of employee benefits such as private disability insurance, disability management, prescription drug coverage, employee assistance programs, and mental health benefits using large claims data bases or public data.

Katherine Swartz, Harvard University, is a health policy expert and professor in the School of Public Health. She has been a Senior Research Associate at the Health Policy Center of the Urban Institute (1986�1992); the editor of Inquiry, a journal on health care organization, provision, and financing (1995�); and president-elect of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (2008). Her research focuses on populations without health insurance and government efforts to expand health care coverage. Her published work includes Reinsuring Health: Why More Middle-Class People Are Uninsured and What Government Can Do (2006).

Bingwen Zheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), is director of the Institute of Latin American Studies. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Labor and Social Securities (MOLSS), and is also a professor at Remin University and Wuhan University, both in China. He has also served as vice president of, and professor in, the CASS graduate school, and was formerly the deputy director of the Institute of European Studies. His research focuses on the comparative and theoretical study of social security systems, and he has published more than 200 articles in academic journals.

Oxford University Press Series Special Editor

Karen Baehler is senior lecturer in public policy at the School of Government of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; as well as adjunct senior lecturer with the Australia-New Zealand School of Government, Melbourne. She has been a visiting scholar at the Center for Australian-New Zealand Studies at Georgetown University (2006), and a research associate at the American Enterprise Institute (1991-1993) and the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy at University of Maryland (1989-1991). Her current research is supported by the Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Fund and focuses on the comparative study of public social philosophy in New Zealand and the U.S. She is also completing a guide to policy analysis and advising in Australasia. Her published work includes Rural Development in the United States (1995), coauthored with William Galston, Adding Value to Policy Analysis and Advising (forthcoming, 2008), coathored with Claudia Scott, and Equal to the Task: A New Zealand Brand of Egalitarianism (forthcoming, 2008).

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