Subsequent Births to Welfare Recipients
Glenn C. Loury, Boston University
"I. Introduction
The worth of any piece of evaluation research depends on its internal and external
validity. In the broadest sense,
internal validity refers to the ability to rule out alternative interpretations
of research findings, and external validity is the ability to support generalizations
from findings to larger populations of interest. Both internal and external
validity are promoted by three factors:
Experimental and control populations in demonstration programs should
resemble the welfare populations of interest and the circumstances each group
will face, both with and without welfare reform.
A program�s underlying design should adequately distinguish between
competing hypotheses about observed outcomes.
The implementation of a program should be carried out in a manner
consistent with the program design.
This chapter
summarizes the effectiveness of several programs to reduce subsequent births to
women on welfare in terms of the validity criteria described above. The programs
fall into three categories: direct or indirect monetary incentives; case
management, often with enhanced services; and home visitation by nurses.
Direct or Indirect Monetary Incentives
One way to discourage additional births to welfare recipients
is to impose a direct financial penalty, such as �capping� the benefit
level, despite the greater family size that occurs when another child is born.
Another approach, which uses indirect financial incentives, involves paying
recipients to participate in activities aimed at reducing pregnancy.
Both direct and indirect monetary incentives have been used in a number
of experimental programs in recent years, and we are now in a position to draw
some tentative conclusions about their efficacy. The evidence does not support
the view that policies relying primarily on financial incentives can
significantly reduce subsequent pregnancies among welfare recipients.
Obviously, the
impact of any program using financial incentives depends on the magnitude of the
incentives involved. In the much-discussed �family-cap� experiment in New
Jersey, for example, a welfare mother with two children faced the prospect of
not receiving a scheduled benefit increase of $64/month (about $15 per week) in
the event that she had another child. Indeed, in all the studies reviewed below,
the financial benefits or penalties involved were quite modest. It is, perhaps,
not surprising that direct incentives of this magnitude cannot exert much
leverage over the choices people make regarding child bearing.
We turn now to a consideration of the evidence, beginning with an informative,
nonexperimental study of the relationship between benefit levels and family size
among welfare recipients. Fairlie and London (1997) sought to discover whether
differences across states in the extent to which Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) benefits increase with family size tend to be causally
related to differences across states in the rate of higher-order births among
welfare recipients. Relying on monthly panel data from late 1989 to early 1992
taken from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), their sample
included women ages 15 to 44 with at least one child.
Fairlie and London (1997) focused on a subsample of AFDC recipients only.
Controlling for a variety of individual characteristics, including race, they
found that recipients living in states with higher incremental benefits were
more likely to have additional children than recipients in less generous states.
This initial finding suggests that a more generous supplement for greater family
size does, indeed, encourage AFDC recipients to have more children. As Fairlie
and London note, however, the causality could run in the opposite direction:
states whose populations exhibit greater fertility (for reasons unrelated to
welfare payments) may choose to provide more generous incremental benefits.
To test for such
a possibility, they ran a cross-state regression on subsamples of the SIPP data
consisting of people not receiving AFDC, whose behavior therefore would probably
not be affected by cross-state variation in incremental welfare benefits.
Fairlie and London chose three different comparison groups for this purpose:
All single women who had at least one child but did not receive AFDC,
A group defined by excluding from the first group the women who would
ultimately receive AFDC, and
A group defined by adding to the second group all married women who had
at least one child and who did not receive AFDC.
In all three of
the subsamples, they found the correlation across states between incremental
AFDC benefits and higher-order birth rates to be statistically the same as in
the original welfare-receiving population. This finding strongly suggests that
the initially estimated large effect of incremental benefits on family size
among AFDC recipients does not provide evidence of a casual relationship. Put
differently, the nonexperimental data
provide no support for the view that policy makers can prevent subsequent births
to welfare recipients by lowering the benefit increases associated with
additional births.
This negative finding also is consistent with the experimental data
generated by the so-called family-cap demonstrations. In New Jersey�s Family
Development Program (FDP), AFDC recipients were precluded from receiving
additional cash payments for a child conceived while on welfare (Camasso,
Harvey, and Jagannathan 1996). This amounted to a loss of
$102 per month for a second child and, as mentioned earlier, $64 per
month for any additional children. The FDP also provided supplemental
employment, training, and education services for parents on welfare, reduced the
disincentives for attending college and getting married, and established new
rules that were more generous in providing Medicaid and limiting earnings
reductions for those finding jobs and getting off welfare. In Arkansas, the
Welfare Waiver Demonstration Project also included a monetary cap on benefits
and a greater focus on family-planning services at intake and subsequent
reevaluations (Turturro, Benda, and Turney 1997). Both states made an effort to
compare the results for recipients subjected to these programs with the results
for a control group of recipients not facing such provisions.
The same outcome was observed in both programs (see tables 1 and 2): no
significant difference in subsequent birth rates between experimental and
control groups was found. Over the three-year waiver period of the Arkansas
program, women in the experimental group averaged 0.16 births per recipient, and
those in the control group averaged 0.14 births (Turturro et al. 1997). In the
New Jersey program, 7.2 percent of the experimental group and 7.3 percent of the
control group had a birth in the first year after the cap was imposed; 5.6
percent of the experimental group and 5.7 percent of the control group had a
birth in the second year (Camasso et al. 1996).
It is tempting to
draw the conclusion from these experimental data that family-cap policies have
been proven not to work; however, we think some caution is warranted. To be
sure, the data do not support the opposite view, but the implementation problems
in these experiments were so severe that one may question whether family-cap
programs actually have been fairly tested. For example, in the Arkansas Project,
46 percent of women in the experimental group and 52 percent of women in the
control group indicated to program evaluators that they did not know how much
more money they would receive if they were to have another child. Among those
who thought they did know, disturbingly similar responses were found in the two
populations: 17 percent of the experimental group and 11 percent of the control
group thought they would receive nothing more; 6 percent of both groups thought
the increment would be less than $45; and 2 percent of the experimental group
(versus 10 percent of the control group) thought the increment would be $50 or
more (Turturro et al. 1997). Obviously, financial incentives cannot affect the
behavior of people who do not know what the incentives are!
This confusion
may have resulted largely from misleading or inaccurate information provided by
caseworkers. It turns out that at the beginning of the Arkansas project, 14
percent of the caseworkers were uncertain as to how clients were assigned to
control or experimental groups. Only 7 percent of the workers knew that the
experimental group differed from the control group in that they were subject to
the cap on benefits and were to
receive more intensive family-planning information and services. More than half
of the caseworkers thought the treatment consisted only of the family cap;
another 12 percent thought the treatment consisted only of increased emphasis on
family planning (Tuturro et al. 1997).
According to the Arkansas
evaluation report, �both the experimental and control clients were given an
explanation of available services by the caseworker (79%) and an offer of
family-planning services (87%)� (Turturro et al. 1997, 21). This information
was in accordance with the guidelines of the program. Yet, although only the
experimental group was supposed to receive the brochure �Your Guide to Family
Planning,� in fact only 24 percent of the caseworkers abided by this program
requirement. Half of the workers gave the brochure to both groups, and the
remainder gave it to neither (Turturro et al. 1997).
One may also wonder about the effectiveness of such written material with
what is quite likely to be a low-literacy population.
The New Jersey
FDP had similar implementation problems. The main duties of the caseworkers
were to determine AFDC eligibility and to calculate benefit levels. About
half of the workers also were responsible for assigning new applicants to
experimental or control groups for the purposes of the family-cap demonstration.
assignment process was supposed to be random; yet, more than one-quarter of the
workers freely admitted to evaluation researchers that they used discretion in
making assignments (Camasso et al. 1996). The responsibilities of case managers
in the FDP program included �identifying the service needs of their clients,
making referrals to these services for their clients, and monitoring clients�
participation in and progress through their activities� (Camasso et al. 1996,
32). When presented with five different hypothetical cases to test their
understanding of the provisions of the program, the fraction of correct
responses from case managers ranged from 30 percent to 54 percent.
It is evident that case managers were not adequately informed about the basic
provisions of the program, especially with regard to the family cap.
It is therefore
not surprising that participants did not have a good understanding of key
provisions of the program. Only 39 percent of the actual control group members
knew that they were in the control group, and only 65 percent of experimental
group members correctly reported to evaluation researchers that they were
subject to the new rules. (About 28 percent of the women in the experimental
group thought that they were in the control group.) Although more than 80
percent of the experimental group members knew about the family-cap rule, as few
as 25 percent knew about other important aspects of the program (Camasso et al.
1996). Because of these implementation problems, in neither the New Jersey nor
the Arkansas programs were the experimental and control groups as different from
one another as the evaluation design specified. The result is a severe problem
of internal validity for these studies.
These studies
also have problems of external validity. It is not clear that program
participants should be taken as representative of the typical welfare
population. A comparison of the initial sample of 992 program participants in
Arkansas to the general Arkansas AFDC population showed that the former were
more likely to have been previously employed, to have received higher AFDC and
food-stamp payments, and to have been on AFDC longer (Turturro et al. 1997). The
studies also experienced attrition problems: in Arkansas, Turturro and
colleagues� follow-up study two years after the initial survey included only
335 of the initial respondents. Response rates were similarly low for the New
Jersey program. Out of the 3,303 attempted telephone contacts, only 1,238 were
successful. Response rates were even lower for in-person interviews (21 percent)
(Camasso et al. 1996). Furthermore, successful contacts did not guarantee
completed interviews. Comparing survey respondents with the entire AFDC
caseload, Camasso and colleagues found that survey respondents were (1) less
likely to be high school dropouts (36 percent versus 46 percent), (2) less
likely to be Hispanic (24 percent versus 30 percent), and (3) older (32 versus
28 years).
Moreover, the
level of family-planning services actually provided to participants in these
demonstrations was low, and differences between the control and experimental
groups were small. In the Arkansas program, Tuturro and colleagues (1997) found
that only about 20 percent of experimental group members received �Your Guide
to Family Planning Services� (along
with 5 percent of control subjects, who were not supposed to receive the
pamphlet). Less than 5 percent of all clients in either the experimental or the
control group were reported to have received other family-planning services.
Tuturro and colleagues also found that the amount of time spent on the
explanation and offer of services amounted to an average of less than two and a
half minutes.
Thus, although
experimental and control groups in both the Arkansas and New Jersey programs
became pregnant at about the same rates, the problems of implementation and
sample attrition at both sites were so severe as to preclude drawing strong
conclusions. The evaluations fail to meet standards of internal validity because
the similarity of services and information provided to experimental and control
groups implies that the effective �treatment� was weak; therefore, one
should expect to observe little or no effect from that treatment. (Part of this
�weak treatment� problem was the result of the implementation problems
described above, but in our view, it also resulted from a poor program design
that allocated too little time for the provision of family-planning services.)
Moreover, because of the �nonrepresentativeness� of the populations studied,
care should be taken when generalizing the findings to the larger universe of
In their final
report, Camasso, Harvey, Jagannathan, and Killingsworth (1998a,b) updated the
experimental analysis and added a pre�post
analysis. Both analyses suggested
that the family cap led to a decline in births and a rise in abortions. In his
review of the Rutgers� research, however, Peter Rossi concluded that problems
with implementation, data collection, and statistical methods undermined the
findings, so that �the various forms of evidence in the reports are not firm
enough to support the researchers� claims� (see Chapter X). For
example, the final experimental study relied on administrative data rather than
survey responses. This approach meant that the analysis did not include outcomes
for mothers no longer enrolled in AFDC, thereby subverting the experimental
nature of the evaluation. As Rossi points out: �This analytic strategy used
meant that the major advantages of the experimental design were lost.
Potentially large selection biases were possible, which could arise from
enrollment changes subsequent to randomization.�
Similarly, the
pre�post analysis was based on administrative data for the entire AFDC
caseload from 1990 through 1996 (Camasso et al. 1998a,b) The researchers used
multivariate analysis to compare preprogram trends in births, abortions, and
other outcomes to trends after the implementation of the New Jersey FDP. Their
findings suggested that the intervention reduced births and increased abortions.
As with the revised experimental�control analysis, however, Rossi concluded
that the �research design cannot support definitive estimates of the effects
of a program.� In particular, he expressed doubt that the evaluation could
adequately control for the effects of time and other forces that might have
influenced outcomes and that the statistical models used were inappropriate in
some cases.
The apparent
weaknesses of the New Jersey evaluation led Rossi to conclude: �The New Jersey
FDP may have had the effects that the Rutgers research group claim or it may not
have had those effects. We simply do not know from this research. The difficulty
is that the deficiencies noted above are serious enough to cast strong doubts
upon the validity of the findings.�
Other research
has gone beyond state-level demonstration projects to assess the impact of
policies intended to reduce fertility among unmarried women on a national basis.
Horvath and Peters (1999) examined the impact of welfare-reform waivers on
nonmarital childbearing. They used Vital
Statistics data to calculate the proportion
of nonmarital births for each state from 1984 through 1996. They then ran a
series of regression models that included a range of economic and demographic
variables as well as variables reflecting whether states had requested,
received, and implemented various waivers that could affect childbearing,
including the family cap. They concluded that �welfare waivers have a negative
effect on nonmarital birth ratios� and that the family cap was a useful tool
in achieving this objective (Horvath and Peters 1999, 27).
The Horvath and Peters (1999) study, however, has many of the weaknesses
typical of a nonexperimental evaluation. No control group is exempt from welfare
reform, so they are forced to rely on statistical models to sort out the effects
of changing economic, demographic, and social conditions from those related to
welfare reform. The degree of uncertainty surrounding the estimated effects from
such nonexperimental analyses is therefore considerably greater.
Several reasons
exist to be concerned about the reliability of Horvath and Peters� (1999)
data. For example, their nonmarital birth data are based on Vital Statistics, which in many states may be inaccurate. Marital
status is generally determined by asking the mother at the time of completing
the birth certificate, but during the study period, about half a dozen states
(including California and New York) inferred marital status using other
approaches. For example, some states still considered a mother unmarried if her
last name was different from the father�s. If the number of mothers choosing
to retain their maiden names increased during the period of the study, it would
have introduced an upward bias in the reporting of nonmarital births.
Although Horvath
and Peters (1999) used what appears to be a reasonable set of control variables
in their analysis, they may nevertheless have omitted important factors that
could have an important effect on fertility. Moreover, the specification of
welfare waivers for statistical analysis is difficult and subject to
considerable uncertainty (see, for example, Martini and Wiseman 1997). For
example, as the New Jersey and Arkansas evaluations demonstrate, the
implementation of a waiver does not guarantee that recipients were aware of the
policy. If they were unaware of or did not understand the policy, their behavior
may not have reflected the true effects of the desired intervention.
In addition,
selection effects may exist, because the states that were most successful in
reducing nonmarital births may have had particular, but unmeasured,
characteristics that made them different from other states. For example, perhaps
the states that were most committed to reducing welfare caseloads (and births to
unmarried mothers) also were more likely to request welfare waivers. It may be
that their commitment to changing the culture of welfare had more to do with
observed changes in certain outcomes than the waivers themselves. Thus, the
Horvath and Peters (1999) findings may be more suggestive of the impact of
welfare reform writ large than of any specific waiver. Indeed, given the rapid
social and programmatic changes now underway, it is unlikely that any
nonexperimental analysis of welfare reform could disentangle the impact of
multiple provisions, as this and other analyses purport to do.
Indirect Monetary Incentives
The family-cap interventions were not the only ones trying to reduce subsequent
pregnancies by relying on monetary incentives. The Dollar-a-Day program used
indirect financial incentives to induce adolescent mothers to participate in
peer-group meetings designed to provide information about contraception and to
underscore the importance of avoiding a repeat pregnancy (Steven-Simon, Dolgan,
Kelly and Singer 1997). Participants included mothers under age 18 whose
first-born child was younger than 5 months old. These mothers were recruited
from the postpartum ward at University Hospital in Denver and from Colorado�s
Adolescent Maternity Program at Children�s Hospital in Denver. The experiment
was designed to test whether financial incentives could induce teen mothers to
participate in peer discussions and whether such discussions, with or without
financial incentives, could forestall subsequent pregnancies among these young
Participants were
randomly assigned to one of four groups. The control group received only routine
postpartum care with no interventions. The �incentive-only� group received
$7 per week as long as they did not get pregnant, but the women attended no
meetings. The �meetings-only� group could attend weekly gatherings of 10 to
15 peers and two adults, where the desirability and means of postponing future
conception were discussed. Finally, a �meetings-plus-incentive� group
gathered weekly for these discussions, with each participant receiving $7 at the
meetings as long as she did not become pregnant. Out of 286 initial
participants, 248 completed the final study interview. (This interview covered
the 6 months preceding the diagnosis of a repeat pregnancy or the 24-month
postpartum period, if no additional pregnancy occurred). Those not interviewed
were distributed evenly across the four treatment groups and did not differ
significantly from the others in age, socioeconomic status, or race.
As with the
family-cap interventions, the outcomes from this experiment with indirect
financial incentives provide no support for the view that such incentives, with
or without peer-group meetings, are effective at lowering subsequent pregnancy
rates. Indeed, the results were quite
similar across the four different control and treatment groups (Steven-Simon et
al. 1997; see table 3). About 9 percent of the participants conceived within 6
months of the birth of their first child, 20 percent within 12 months, 29
percent within 18 months, and 39 percent within 24 months. Participation in
peer-group meetings was low: about 38 percent of the mothers in the experimental
group did not participate in more than one of their group�s activities. It is
noteworthy, however, that the �dollar-a-day� payments did seem to induce
greater attendance at the peer-group meetings: although only 9 percent of the
meetings-only participants attended one or more of their peer-group meetings, 58
percent of the meetings-plus-incentive participants did so. Yet, despite these
differences, the pregnancy outcomes were the same for the experimental and
control groups, even for the meetings-plus-incentive participants who went to at
least half of their group�s activities during the first 6 months postpartum.
Case Management
Rather than rely on financial inducements, a different approach to the problem
of preventing subsequent births combines intensive case management with enhanced
family-planning services to welfare recipients. We argue below that the
experimental evidence does not encourage optimism about the effectiveness of
this method, either. In practice, pregnancy prevention has been an ancillary
part of these intensive case-management programs. The principle focus has been
on improving the academic and vocational skills of the program participants,
including Adult Basic Education and General Equivalency Degree (GED)
preparation, pre-employment and occupational skills training, and job-placement
assistance. Support services to facilitate participation in training activities
have been provided in the form of childcare and financial help with
transportation, training, and education expenses. Training and job-preparation
efforts, not family-planning activities, accounted for the vast majority of
client time and program resources in the case-management programs. Moreover,
caseworkers and service providers have been reluctant to convey the clear and
unequivocal value judgment that avoiding subsequent births is a good thing.
A leading example
of the �case management with enhanced services� approach is the New Chance
Demonstration. New Chance operated between 1989 and 1992 at 16 sites to assist
women who had become mothers as teenagers, who were high school dropouts, and
who were receiving AFDC. The objectives of the New Chance programs were
to help program participants gain educational and vocational
skills necessary to acquire good job opportunities and reduce their use of
to help participants postpone additional childbearing and improve
their current parenting skills, and
to improve the cognitive, health, and socio-emotional outcomes for
the participants� children (Quint, Bos, and Polit 1997).
To determine
program effects, Quint and colleagues (1997) conducted evaluation interviews
were conducted with randomly assigned experimental group and control group
participants at the program start, at 1.5 years into the program, and again
after 3.5 years. (Unless otherwise noted, information on the New Chance
Demonstration is from the Quint et al. study.). The average age of sample
members at the beginning of the study was 18.8 years. More than 90 percent had
never been married, 65 percent had one child, and 27 percent had two children.
About 52 percent were black, and 23 percent were Hispanic. Only 5 percent had
completed 12 years of schooling, with the average highest grade equaling 9.9.
Only 30 percent of the participants were reading at the 10th grade level or
above, and one in five had never held a job. Participation in the program was
voluntary. Most women chose to participate because the program provided a way
for them to earn their GED and offered free day care.
The participants
were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental
group was offered a wide variety of services, including instruction in basic
academic skills, career exposure and employability development classes,
occupational skills training, work experience, job placement assistance, health
and family planning classes and services, parenting workshops, and life skills
classes on communications and decision-making skills. Within 18 months of program entry, the experimental group
members each had participated for an average of about 296 hours in the
activities. Adult education occupied the bulk of this time; women spent most of
their time in ABE/GED preparation (101 hours on average), followed by skills
training (67 hours), work internship (28 hours), employability development (26
hours), life skills (20 hours), and parenting education (18 hours). Only about 6
of the 296 hours of service delivery were devoted to family planning (Quint et
al. 1997). Clearly, then, preventing subsequent pregnancies was not a major
focus of the New Chance Demonstration program.
family-planning activities included education classes or workshops held at least
once a month, individual counseling, and providing information about other
family-planning service providers. The intensity of these activities, however,
varied across sites. For example, in their evaluation, Quint and colleagues
(1997) reported that
at a number of sites, case managers did not routinely or
effectively counsel participants about their use of contraceptives. Some case
managers resisted this role because they were uncomfortable dealing with the
subject of sexuality or felt that they lacked the requisite expertise. Still
others were comfortable with the subject but, given the limited time they had to
spend with each participant, tended not to discuss family planning unless the
young women raised it as a specific problem. (pp. 74�75)
Members of the
experimental group were much more likely than control group members to have
attended previous family-planning classes (55 percent versus 20 percent) and to
have received personal counseling (48 percent versus 24 percent) (Quint et al.
1997). After 42 months, however, they had not fared any better than control
subjects in experiencing a repeat pregnancy (about three-fourths of
participants), or in having a subsequent birth (about one-half of participants)
(see table 4). Indeed, Quint and colleagues found that women in the experimental
group were slightly higher along these dimensions, although the differences were
statistically insignificant. The findings were fairly uniform across sites (all
of which varied in the intensity of the family-planning activities), the only
exception being that those who attended more than 10 family-planning sessions
were somewhat less likely to have given birth.
The problem with
drawing policy conclusions from this study is the probable failure of external
validity. Both experimental and control group members were chosen from
volunteers who sought out the program, rather than from welfare recipients who
were assigned to the program without choice.
Those who aggressively seek GEDs and other training opportunities may
well differ from those who do not, having more education, greater motivation,
fewer socioeconomic disadvantages, and lower rates of mental illness and drug
addiction. To see why this is a
serious concern, note the pronounced differences reported in the evaluation
between the control group members in the (voluntary) New Chance program, and the
teen parents in the (mandatory) Ohio program, Learning, Earning, and Parenting
(LEAP): Whereas only 15 percent of the LEAP parents not enrolled in school at
the beginning of the study had participated in vocational training at the end of
the third year follow-up, more than 34 percent of the New Chance control group
members had participated in similar skills training (Quint et al. 1997). The
selection problem may be especially severe in this case: follow-up studies found
New Chance control group members to have higher levels of education and training
participation than did the control participants in other programs that relied on
volunteers, suggesting that they may have been an especially select group.
Because of this selection bias problem, differences between experimental and
control group members in the New Chance Demonstration might understate the
effectiveness of the intervention.
In addition to
these selection issues, the voluntary character of the program meant that the
level of services received by experimental group participants may have been
artificially low as a result of poor attendance and early departures from the
program. Consider the distribution among participants of the hours of service
received: although 22 percent received more than 500 hours of service, more than
one-third received 100 hours or less, the equivalent of 17 days of GED
instruction, 11 days of skills training, and 4.5 days each of work internship
and employability development (Quint et al. 1997).
The average level of participation in other activities was similarly
Another program,
the Teenage Parent Demonstration (TPD), is not subject to a similar criticism
around the issue of self-selection. TPD was mandatory for first-time teenage
mothers on welfare, who were required to participate in education, job training,
or employment-related activities. Slightly less than 90 percent of the almost
6,000 teenage mothers who joined the welfare rolls in Camden and Newark, New
Jersey, and Chicago, Illinois, between July 1987 and April 1990 were enrolled in
the demonstration. Half the women were assigned to participate in the enhanced
programs (experimental group), and half received regular AFDC services (control
groups). Participants were surveyed at
the beginning of their enrollment in AFDC. In addition, follow-up surveys were
conducted two years and six years after intake. Response rates for both
follow-ups exceeded 80 percent. (Unless otherwise noted, all data on the TPD
program is from Kisker, Rangarajan, and Boller 1998.)
The average age
of the participants was between 18 and 19 at all three sites. In Camden, about
56 percent of the participants were black, and 38 percent were Hispanic; 21
percent had completed high school or had a GED certificate. In Newark, about 71
percent were black, 15 percent were Hispanic, and 26 percent had completed high
school or had a GED. In Chicago, 85 percent were black, 5 percent were Hispanic,
and 40 percent had the equivalent of 12 years of schooling. Many of the
participants who were in school were behind in grade level for their age. In
Camden and Newark, more than 40 percent of the sample had reading skills below
the sixth-grade level; in Chicago, the figure was about 30 percent.
The TPD program
as mandatory involvement in education, training, or employment, with all three
sites requiring 30 hours per week of participation in these activities. Although
the sites developed on-site remedial education, GED, and job-readiness classes,
they relied mainly on existing education, training, and employment services in
their communities. Parents who consistently failed to participate in the
activities were sanctioned. The sanctions consisted of reductions in the monthly
AFDC grants of about $160 in New Jersey and $166 in Chicago.
services played a large role in the programs. Caseload sizes ranged from about
50 in New Jersey to about 100 in Chicago. Case managers helped the mothers
develop education, training, and employment plans to move them toward
self-sufficiency. In the year preceding the second follow-up survey, members of
the experimental group averaged about 28 hours per week in any activity,
7 to 11 hours of schooling per week for those who were in an educational
activity, and 15 to 19 hours per week for those in participating in a training
During the
initial assessment phase, participants were required to attend a series of
workshops that covered motivation and employment preparation, life skills,
parenting, family planning, personal grooming, health, and nutrition. The
duration of the mandatory family-planning workshops varied widely across
sites�from a total of 1.5 hours in Chicago to 54 hours in Newark. According to
the evaluation report, �the Camden program offered a rich family planning
workshop for all clients and case managers had smaller overall caseloads,
permitting them to offer more intensive case management to all clients� (Kisker
et al. 1998, 121) Nearly 85 percent of mothers participated in the Chicago
workshop, 27 percent participated in the Camden workshop, and 21 percent
participated in Newark.
The combination
of such limited time devoted to family planning in Chicago and low participation
in Camden and Newark suggests that TPD did not provide a sufficiently high level
of family-planning services to reduce the rate of subsequent pregnancies among
participants. The evidence bears out this presumption. On average, the mothers
became pregnant twice during the six-year follow-up period�about 27 to 40
percent were pregnant within one year of intake, 59 to 71 percent became
pregnant within three years, and 74 to 82 percent did so within five years. The
average number of births ranged from 1.2 in Newark to 1.6 in Camden (see table
5). Only in Camden were there significant, though small, differences in the
number of pregnancies and births between experimental and control group
members�the women in the control group averaged 1.9 pregnancies, with 1.6
births, whereas the women in the experimental group averaged 1.7 pregnancies and
1.5 births. Since the evaluation report does not provide details about the
family-planning workshops in Newark, Camden, and Chicago, it is not possible to
judge whether program content could account for the differences across sites. In
any event, these outcomes imply that the information about contraception and
birth control provided by the workshops was not sufficient to reduce fertility.
Home Visitation
by Nurses
The final program type to be reviewed in this chapter is home visitation by
nurses. These programs were designed to achieve a variety of infant and
health-related goals, including reducing the incidence of extremely low
birthweights, preterm deliveries, and fetal neurodevelopmental impairment. The
nurses� visits also were intended to prevent injuries to children resulting
from abuse and neglect, to limit welfare dependence, to reduce compromised
maternal life-course development (e.g., subsequent pregnancies and curtailed
education and work opportunities), and to prevent the early onset of antisocial
behavior in children. As detailed below, of all the programs reviewed in this
chapter, home visitation by nurses is the only effort that showed consistently
significant success at reducing subsequent births to participating welfare
It is therefore
worthwhile to describe in some detail the overall philosophy that informs the
design and implementation of this program. David Olds and his colleagues (1998),
explain how theories of human ecology, self-efficacy, and human attachment have
figured in their thinking:
human ecology theory emphasizes the
importance of social contexts as influences on human development. Parents�
care of their infants, from this perspective, is influenced by characteristics
of their families, social networks, neighborhoods, communities, and cultures,
and interrelations among these structures. (p.
outlook has important implications for the design of the program. In particular,
services were provided in the clients� home, so that the nurses could evaluate
the family environment and enlist the participation of family members, friends,
and the mothers� partners in helping the women with their family planning and
other activities.
describing efficacy theory, Olds and his colleagues (1988)
distinguish between outcome expectations, which are the �individual�s
estimates that a given behavior will lead to a given outcome,� and efficacy
expectations, which are the �individual�s beliefs that they can successfully
carry out the behavior required to produce the outcome.� [p. 23]
Efficacy theory implies that
the power-of-efficacy information is greater if it is based on the
individual�s personal accomplishments than if it derives from vicarious
experiences and verbal persuasion, the home visitors emphasize methods of
enhancing self-efficacy that rely on women actually carrying out parts of the
desired behavior. . . . . [Furthermore], the visitors employ methods of
behavioral and problem analysis that emphasize the establishment of realistic
goals and behavioral objectives in which the chances for successful performance
are increased. (p. 24)
Attachment theory posits that �human beings � have evolved a
repertoire of behaviors that promote interaction between caregivers and their
infants and that these behaviors tend to keep specific caregivers in proximity
to defenseless youngsters thus promoting their survival, especially in
emergencies� (p. 27). Home-visitation
programs extend this notion of attachment to the relationship between the
visitor and the mother. In the case of the family-planning aspect of the
program, this idea implies that the programs encourage visiting nurses to
develop an empathic relationship with the mother and other family members.
This more hands-on approach differs notably from the monetary incentives
and case-management methods reviewed in this chapter. The intervention here is
more intrusive, more directive, and more unequivocal in the value judgments
being communicated. The authority of the health professional is invoked on
behalf of the clearly stated end (among others) of avoiding a repeat pregnancy,
the ultimate goal being to enhance the physical and mental well-being of both
the mother and the newborn child. The evidence suggests that if one wants to
have a measurable impact on fertility among welfare recipients, an approach
embodying some of these features may be required.
The first home-visitation program was begun in 1977 in Elmira, a small,
semirural community in upstate New York (Unless otherwise noted, all data on the
home-visitation programs is from Olds et al. 1998.
The program enrolled 400 women, 85 percent of whom were either
low-income, unmarried, or teenaged. None had had a previous live birth, and 89
percent were white. Interviews and assessments were conducted at registration
(before the 30th week of pregnancy), at the 34th, 36th, 46th, and 48th month;
and at the 15th year of the children�s lives.
Children of
families in the control groups received sensory and developmental screening at
ages 12 months and 24 months. The children were then referred for further
clinical evaluation and treatment, if necessary, and in some cases were provided
with free transportation for well-child care through the child�s second
birthday. There were two experimental groups; families in the first experimental
group (�treatment 3� in the evaluation report) received these services and
were assigned a nurse who visited them at home during the pregnancy. The second
experimental group (�treatment 4�) received all these services, and the
nurse continued to visit through the child�s second birthday. Nurses� visits
were scheduled once a week during the first month after enrollment and every
other week until the birth of the baby. The nurses visited weekly for 6 weeks
after the baby was born, twice a week until the 21st postnatal month, and once a
month until the 24th postnatal month.
The nurse
visitations were quite intensive. Each visit lasted about 90 minutes, and nurses
were required to follow a detailed visit-by-visit program protocol that focused
on personal health, environmental health, maternal role development, maternal
life-course development, and family and friend support. One of the major
postnatal objectives was to help the mothers use a reliable method of
contraception. Each nurse had a caseload of 20 to 25 families and received
regular clinical supervision.
The results of
this intervention are encouraging. Among low-income, unmarried women, the rate
of subsequent pregnancy was 42 percent lower for women in the experimental
groups than for the control participants during the 4-year period after the
delivery of the first child. At the 15-year follow-up interview, the
experimental groups had had 1.1 births, compared with 1.6 subsequent births for
the control group; the experimental groups had an average of 65 months between
the births of their first and second children, compared with 37 months for the
control group (see table 6). Again, this effect was observed among the subsample
of mothers who had low incomes and were unmarried. (Recall that 85 percent of
the sample were either low-income, unmarried, or teenaged.)
Beginning in
1990, a second trial of the home-visitation program was started in Memphis with
a very different population of mothers. The program enrolled 1,139 women with no
previous live births who had at least two of three risk factors�being
unmarried, having less than 12 years of schooling, and being unemployed. In
contrast to the Elmira study, 92 percent of the Memphis mothers were black, 97
percent were unmarried, and 85 percent came from poor households.
According to the
interviews conducted at the 24th month of the first child�s life in the
Memphis study, home visitations by nurses led to fewer subsequent pregnancies
and live births. Specifically, women in the experimental group had 23-percent
fewer second pregnancies and 32-percent fewer subsequent live births than did
the women in the control group. However, statistically significant differences
between the experimental and control groups were limited to women with high
levels of psychological resources. Notice that this finding contrasts with the
Elmira study, where the largest effects were for the least well-off people in
the sample.
Of course, no one can be certain about why the nurse home visits appear to have
been more successful than other programs in reducing subsequent pregnancies.
This uncertainty will not deter speculation, however. The home-visitation
programs reviewed here differ from the financial-incentive and case-management
efforts in three areas�the service provider, the population served, and the
type of family-planning service offered. Let us consider these differences in
more detail.
The service
provider for the monetary-incentive and case-management programs generally was a
caseworker, whose efforts were supplemented by professionals and
paraprofessionals in charge of special aspects of the intervention. In some
instances, the caseworkers received special training for the purposes of the
experiment; often, however, they did not, or the training was insufficient to
fully acquaint them with the program. The contrast with the home-visitation
programs is notable: the service provider was a nurse explicitly trained in
details of contraceptive practice, in techniques to help clients establish and
achieve realistic goals, and in ways of enlisting the support of family members,
friends, and the mothers� partners.
Concerning the
population served, home-visitation programs were voluntary, whereas some of the
other programs were not. As our discussion of the New Chance demonstration
indicated, voluntary interventions may attract a more selective population,
which in turn may bias the measured treatment effect in either direction. The
home-visitation programs included only women with no previous births, whereas
most of the other programs enrolled only women with a previous birth. The Elmira
home-visitation program served mainly white women in a semirural community, but
participants in the other programs were much more likely to be black or
Hispanic, live in large cities, and receive AFDC. The replication of the Elmira
program in Memphis with a population more similar to the typical AFDC caseload
is promising. The program effect in Memphis was smaller, however, and the
subgroups benefiting most from the program differed between Elmira and Memphis.
Consider now the difference
between program types in the level and type of services provided. A sharp
contrast can be drawn between home visitation and the other programs with
respect to the usual point of service and amount of contact provided by the
program. Nurses were sent to the home so that they could assess the environment
where the client was living and enlist the support of others in the household to
help the woman achieve the objectives set out in the program. In addition, the
caseloads in the home-visitation programs were generally lower, and contact was
much more frequent and regular.
family planning generally received more emphasis in the home-visitation
programs, whereas education, training, and employment were often regarded as
more important for many of the other experiments. The nurses� training program
and manual indicated that family planning was one of the topics to be covered
regularly during visits with clients in the context of planning for the future.
In particular, family planning in the home-visitation program arose in the
context of a public health program designed to improve the mother and child�s
physical, mental, and emotional health status. Nurses delivering these services
had professional training in the use of contraceptives.
The professional
ethos of nurses working in the home visitation field is quite different from
that found among the social workers who typically serve as case managers in
conventional pregnancy prevention programs.
As the director of a home visitation program in Dayton (not a part of the
study cited above) told a reporter for the Washington Post: �We talk about using it [birth control] in
foreplay . . . about leaving a space at the end of the condom. We give them
colored condoms. I don�t know very many social workers who would be
comfortable talking about that� (Vobejda 1998, A1).
This speculation (about discomfort with such explicit talk) is certainly
consistent with attitudes found among case managers in the New Chance program.
Thus, it is likely that home-visitation programs provided more intensive
information about family planning than other programs.
Evidence also
shows that home-visitation programs provided a greater number of unambiguous,
normative messages that becoming pregnant again is not desirable.
�The old strategy has been to say �If you want to avoid a second
baby, here�s a condom and how to use it.� The directive approach says,
�You shouldn�t have another baby, and here are ways to prevent it�� (Vobejda
1998, A1). Because of the traditional role that nurses have played, they may be
both more effective and more comfortable delivering such a normative message. In
addition, because of their intensive and empathic interaction with the clients,
the women may be more likely to hear and respond positively to authority of the
Thus, home
visitation appears to be a promising approach deserving of further experimental
study. Some uncertainty, however, remains as to what the sources of the
differences in the experimental and control groups are. Evaluations of
home-visitation programs that do not directly address pregnancy prevention
reinforce this uncertainty. They indicate that the impact of such programs
varies with the number and length of the home visits, the duration of the
programs themselves (i.e., the typical times of initiation and termination), the
content of the visits, the quality and nature of the visitor�s interaction
with the family, the risk characteristics of the sample, and visitors� level
of training (Olds and Kitzman 1993).
Finally, there is
a more general lesson to be learned from this comparative review of
pregnancy-prevention efforts. The findings summarized here can be read as
suggesting that economic incentives have only minimal leverage in this area of
human behavior. This judgment, however, is premature. (After all, financial
inducements were successful in raising participation rates in peer-group
meetings in the Dollar-a-Day experiment in Denver. Moreover, there is plenty of
evidence in the demography literature that fertility-related behaviors are
broadly responsive to benefits and costs.) An alternative interpretation would
emphasize the need for financial incentives to be coupled with some kind of
directive intervention that tries to communicate a value-based message.
Most economic analysis starts from the assumption that the preferences of
people for alternative courses of action are givens and that behavior only can
be changed by imposing rewards or punishments in an effort to alter each
person�s cost-benefit calculations. An alternative approach makes it a
principle objective of policy to alter peoples� views about how they should
live their lives. Many people are uncomfortable with this sort of thing�it
smacks of paternalism and seems to usurp individual autonomy. Yet, given the
maladies afflicting the clients of social service agencies throughout the land,
such usurpation may be unavoidable. That is, a pedagogic function in public
policy�showing citizens how to lead their lives better�may need to be
This conclusion
is supported by the sharp contrast in the effectiveness of the family-cap and
the nurse-visitation programs�a difference that seems clear, notwithstanding
technical problems with the evaluations of the New Jersey and Arkansas
experiments. Although this conclusion is advanced tentatively, it is
sufficiently plausible that policy analysts should take it seriously and begin
to consider how authoritative interventions can be most effectively and humanely
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Table 1. Number of Births, Arkansas Welfare Waiver
Control Group
Standard deviation
Table 2.
Post�Family-Cap Birth Rates�New Jersey Family Development Program
Births (%)
Experimental Group
Control Group
Table 3. Rate of Repeat
Pregnancies�Dollar-a-Day Program
of Repeat Pregnancies (%)
Time Since
Meetings and
Meetings Only
Incentive Only
6 months
12 months
18 months
Table 4. Pregnancy and Birth Rates�New Chance
Experimental Group (%)
Control Group (%)
Pregnancy by month 42
by month 42
Table 5.
Number of Births 78 Months after Intake�Teenage Parent Demonstration
Regular Services Group
Enhanced Services Group
Table 6. Birth Rates and
Timing�Elmira Home-Visitation Program
Experimental Group
Control Group
Average number of births
at 15-year follow-up
Average number of months
between birth of first and second child
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