Student Reports
Spring 2013
Professors Douglas J. Besharov and Douglas Call
In Spring 2013, students worked with clients at Baltimore City Public Schools,
Maryland Department of Human Resources, Montgomery County
CountyStat, Montgomery County Police Department, U.S. Department of Education, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research,
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, and the Office of Child
Support Enforcement), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Government
Accountability Office, U.S. Office of Management and Budget, and the U.S. Social Security Administration.
Students performed a wide variety of analyses, including
cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, performance
measure development, process evaluation, and meta-assessment.
The following are the final projects prepared by the students.
They are listed in order of clients.
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Municipal Government
Baltimore City Public Schools
1. Baltimore City Public Schools: An
Evaluation of Electronic Recruitment
from the User Perspective. Electronic Recruitment has become the primary method of employee recruitment
for school districts like Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS). Not all school districts
conduct electronic recruitment in the same manner, however. This analysis uses a case
study design to compare the user experience of applying to BCPS with similar districts
and private companies. Protocols include a rubric with a 1-5 scale along five
dimensions: branding, visual appeal, ease of use, succinctness, and communication.
Results indicate private companies scored better on average compared to school
districts. High-performers include Google, Pearson, District of Columbia Public
Schools, Qualcomm, and Montgomery Public Schools. BCPS scored about average
compared to all sites surveyed. Suggestions for improvement include a more updated
interface, targeted branding of the organization, and streamlining the number of
questions on the application.
2. Performance Measures for Community Support for Schools Initiative
of Baltimore City Public Schools. This report is a project from the University of Maryland's School of Public Policy for
Baltimore City Public Schools' (City Schools) Office of Engagement. Many schools, including
City Schools, are implementing community organizing techniques to increase parent engagement
to support student success. One aspect of City Schools' engagement strategy is the Community
Support for School Initiative (CSS). The 2012-2013 academic year marks the fourth year of CSS
and the program has undergone significant structural changes this year. The scope of this report
is to situate City Schools' CSS program in the literature of community organizing for education
reform and to offer recommendations to City Schools on performance measures for their
Community Support for Schools Initiative.
County Government
Montgomery County Police Department
3. Use of Force in the Montgomery County Police (MCP):
An Alternative to how MCP Measures and Assesses ECDs Deployment. In 2011, the
Maryland Legislature enacted and Governor O'Malley signed into law House Bill
507, entitled "Use of Electronic Control Devices - Reports." That law is now part of the Public
Safety Article in Maryland's Annotated Code. This new law requires
Maryland law enforcement agencies that issue electronic control devices to their officers to
report certain information regarding the use of those devices on an
annual basis to the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP).
The goal of this report is to perform an assessment on how MCP's policies and processes
adapt to new state legislation requirements on ECD reporting.
State Government
Maryland Department of Human Resources
4. Implementation Evaluation of the
Partnership for Achieving Self Sufficiency. The Partnership for Achieving Self Sufficiency (PASS) is a new framework
developed by the Maryland Department of Human Resource's Family Investment
Administration to provide a more tailored, flexible, and frequently monitored
framework for the Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) that increases their
support from the Department of Human Resources (DHR) and provides common metrics to help them benchmark their
progress on statewide goals. For this project,
an implementation evaluation was conducted to analyze the fidelity the
program's implementation had to the original design. PASS performance data was
collected to analyze initial trends and show how PASS presents its results data; and
surveys were collected and interviews conducted with DHR and LDSS staff to evaluate
what was actually being implemented.
The findings of the quantitative analysis were that the monthly performance
scorecards used for each county varied widely depending on county size. The
qualitative results showed that PASS inputs had been successfully implemented and
that most DHR and LDSS PASS activities, outputs, and outcomes were implemented or
realized. However, DHR activities not yet implemented because of other prioritizing
areas of need were still desired by LDSS offices, such as PASS---specific training and best
practices webinars, and that the Bureau of Program Evaluation (BPE) did not see itself
as an active participant in PASS implementation although the department is listed as an
active partner in the PASS manual. There was also some slight confusion among DHR
staff over PASS implementation deadlines and the corrective action process. However,
LDSS offices overall viewed PASS favorably and as a helpful framework to help them
better review their resources and strategies.
Federal Government
U.S. Department of Education
5. Race to the Top - District: A Case Study Design. This report provides a case study design, complete with a detailed site selection process for the
U.S. Department of Education's Race to the Top-District grant competition. The four sites are
selected from the 16 grantees for case study using criteria based on Department of Education
priorities, the goals of the grant program, and the design of the reforms proposed by the
individual grantees: Carson City School District, Middletown School District, Metropolitan
School District of Warren Township, and Miami-Dade County Schools. The case studies will be
performed over a two-year period and will include two site visits where interviews, focus groups,
and observation will take place. The final report will provide the Department of Education with
valuable information on the implementation challenges, pitfalls, and lessons learned. It will also
provide the Department with avenues for future research such as implementation evaluations and
impact evaluations.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
6. The Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative:
Analysis of Centerpiece Programs for Creating Broader
Performance Measures. The Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI) is an interagency partnership
between the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and
Urban Development, Justice, and Treasury that is working to address concentrated
poverty through education, housing, public safety and health.The
Initiative aims to create a better quality of life by improving the components of a healthy
and thriving neighborhood. This report has pointed out the goals of the Neighborhood Revitalization
Initiative, the goals of the Initiative's centerpiece programs, and the outcomes and
impacts observed as a whole. Performance measures were created after review of each
program's goals to understand the metrics currently used by HUD in creation of the
broader metrics.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
7. Assessing and Measuring
Consumer e-Health Tools: Improving Information Dissemination and
Patient Engagement in Health Care Delivery. The foregoing analysis seeks to bring
some clarity to the complicated arena of health care delivery as it relates to information
quality. First, the study examines literature on the evolution of consumer health information
technologies and their suitability as a solution to the problem of information fragmented,
non-patient centric care. Then, the analysis describes the methods incorporated of developing
effective, policy-relevant metrics of Consumer e-Health tools that address health care
quality. Finally, recommended performance measures and implementation are made for the
National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports.
8. The Modification of Child Support for Incarcerated Parents:
State Practices in Washington, Texas and Maryland. The Office of Child Support
Enforcement (OCSE) encourages states to set realistic child support orders for
incarcerated parents that reflect their actual ability to pay during their time in prison.
Establishing realistic support orders for incarcerated parents requires that states adopt
policies that permit and facilitate the downward modification of child support orders
following incarceration. At this time, a number of barriers to modification during
incarceration persist for parents in many states. Furthermore, the body of research and
data related to this issue remains highly limited. The purpose of the present analysis is
to explore promising state practices related to the modification of child support orders
for incarcerated parents. Through qualitative interviews and online research modification
programs in Washington, Texas and Maryland were explored and key lessons were drawn.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
9. Evaluating the Disaster Recovery Enhancement Fund:
The Program's Use as an Incentive and
its Effect on Disaster Mitigation and Prevention Views. In response to the wide spread damages from Hurricane Ike and Gustav in 2008,
Congress appropriated additional disaster recovery aid through HUD's CDBG Disaster Recover
Assistance program. The additional $6.5 billion allocation was available to the 15 states that
were eligible under the initial 2008 appropriation. Before states began applying for the additional
funds, HUD set aside $311,602,923 for an experimental program called the Disaster Recovery
Enhancement Fund (DREF). To be eligible for additional funding under DREF, states needed to
show their remaining unmet need and their Action Plans had to include provisions for at least
one of the four pre-determined DREF-eligible activities. Thirteen of the 15 eligible states
applied for and received DREF funding.
This paper seeks to determine what effect DREF had on the grantees' behaviors and
attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge of disaster mitigation strategies. While I found that DREF was not an incentive to most states to
engage in new disaster mitigation strategies, the funding did allow states to expand the activities
that were already planned for; the main exception is that states used DREF funding for new landuse
plans that otherwise would not have happened. As expected due to this finding, the states
reported that DREF did not give them a new perspective or attitude on disaster mitigation.
However, four grantees did report that the DREF process lead to a gain in knowledge on disaster
mitigation and prevention strategies. All of the states reported generally positive opinions
on DREF as HUD policy.
U.S. Government Accountability Office
10. Common Core
State Standards
Initiative. The Common Core State Standards is a set of academic standards
that prescribes what should be learnt in English and Mathematics for each
of the grades from kindergarten through high school. The key goals of the Common Core
State Standards are: To have common K-12
standards across states and for these standards to be fewer in number, more indepth,
aligned with the expectations in entry level college courses and work, rigorous
in terms of content and application of concepts, internationally benchmarked and
research and evidence based. Most states adopted the standards in 2010,
which means that they decided to have the Common Core State Standards replace
their existing state standards in English and Mathematics for each of the grades
kindergarten through high school.
This project concentrated on three research questions. They were:
(1) Why are states adopting or not adopting the Common Core State Standards
(2) How are states implementing the Common Core State Standards and preparing
for Common Core State Standards based assessments? and
(3) What are the challenges that states face in the implementation of the Common
Core States Standards Initiative? This
paper indicates that the federal Department of Education's Race to the Top
competitive grant played a key role in incentivizing or discouraging the adoption
of the standards.
11. Parental Involvement in Education:
An Overview of What is Known, Best Practices and Challenges, and Recent Proposals and
Recommendations Regarding Parental Involvement Activities and Policies from the Local
Educational Agency (LEA) Perspective. The United States Department of Education (ED)
defines parental involvement as "the participation of parents in regular, two-way,
and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities."
Parental involvement activities may include, but are not limited to: annual meetings; regular
parent-teacher conferences; trainings for parents; volunteer opportunities; and, language and
technical assistance. Since Congress has yet to re-authorize the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA), parental involvement in education has become a hot topic;
and, therefore, a timely issue to study.
My clients are interested in the following questions:
(1) What is known about how local educational agencies (LEAs) and state educational
agencies (SEAs) are implementing parental involvement policies and practices?
(2) What are the challenges and promising practices in implementing parental involvement
activities and programs at the LEA level? and (3) What are the recent national policy proposals?
By focusing on these three questions, my clients and I strive to develop a better
understanding of parental involvement activities and policies from the LEA perspective.
12. Preschool Meal Programs: Consistency with Nutritional
Standards and Assessment Results. As young children in the United States spend
more of their time in child care settings, responsibility for providing food and
supporting healthy eating habits is shifting more to child care providers. Child care
centers, informal caregivers and other early childhood settings are poised to impact
children's nutrition at a critical point in their development with the support of federal
programs. Recent trends in young children's health in the United States have brought
increased attention to the effectiveness of federally funded preschool meal programs, and
prompted executive branch efforts to improve children's nutrition, including the
formation of the Presidential Task Force on Childhood Obesity in 2010. These trends
provide a strong incentive for this study - as budget and health concerns increase, it
is especially important that food programs directed toward the youngest children are
structured as efficiently as possible to achieve their intended effects. As such, the
selected research questions seek to determine how efficiently and effectively the CACFP
and other meal programs are structured to provide meals to the pre-school population.
This project focused on the following research questions selected under
guidance from advisors at the Government Accountability Office (GAO):
(1) Are the nutritional guidelines in infant and pre-school meal programs consistent with
research and other standards? and
(2) How have the effectiveness of these programs been measured, and what have evaluations
of these programs shown?
13. Special Education or Segregation? Minority Overrepresentation
and Inclusive Education. Minority overrepresentation is one of the most important issues in the field of special
education. Every year, nearly 10% of the general population students ages 6 through 21
is served under some type of special education related service; however American Indian/Alaska
Native students and Black (not Hispanic) students are 1.5 times more likely to be served under
some type of special education service. Some scholars point out
that schools do not successfully differentiate between students with limited English skills and
students with disabilities. Those minority students with disabilities are standing in the
intersection of race, ethnicity, class, gender, culture, language, and disability, but the current special
education system does not successfully provide proper supports for those disadvantaged students. Also, placing students into a separated environment may
deprive them from equal opportunities rather than providing equal protection. This policy analysis paper investigates those contentious and complicated issues of
special education focusing on minority overrepresentation and inappropriate placement.
14. Third Grade Retention: Assessing State Policies
and its Effects. Working under the direction of the Government Accountability
Office, I was asked to research 3rd grade test-based retention in elementary education as an
assessment on state policies across the nation and its recorded effects from the scholarly
U.S. Office of Management and Budget
15. Case Study:
An examination of Open Government Initiatives at the Office of the
National Coordinator (ONC) for Health IT. This is a descriptive, instrumental case study that
sought to answer the basic question, How is ONC complying with the Obama
administration's Open Government initiatives? Goals associated with the study
include: (1) To understand how various activities and programs align with the
administration's goals of promoting more transparent, participatory and
collaborative government; (2) To identify definitional themes of "Open Government" as illustrated by
stakeholders inside and outside of ONC; and (3) To explore how data are being used "downstream" to inform policy
decisions, enhance research, and/or promote innovation; and 4) To propose a conceptual framework through which ONC and other
government agencies could assess current and future Open Government
Key takeaways of this study were (1) ONC has a host of programs and projects that meet Open Government
criteria established by the Obama administration - some expressly, others
implicitly; (2) Programs and projects that display all three attributes of Open
Government are rare, but a balanced portfolio negates the need to meet
all criteria within a single policy or program; and (3) Identifying return on investment (ROI) for Open Government projects is
a difficult task, though this does not obfuscate the need.
16. State Longitudinal Data Systems: Linking
Education and Workforce Data. State longitudinal data systems are used to track students' educational progress
and outcomes over time. All states have K-12 data systems and increasingly states are
designing and implementing P-20W systems capable of tracking students from early
childhood through the workforce. Data sharing between education and workforce
agencies is an essential component of bridging knowledge between students' educational
pathways and their employment outcomes.
Despite the push, only 29 states currently have data sharing agreements in place
between K-12, postsecondary and workforce agencies. The current study attempts to shed some light on current data sharing practices
across a small number of states. These states are not considered to be a representative
sample, but rather illustrative of the process and barriers in designing and implementing
data sharing practices between education and workforce agencies.
U.S. Social Security Administration
17. Impact of Low Expectations on
Child Supplemental Security Income Recipients:
A project for the Social Security Administration. For many youths, the transition to adulthood is one of the most important times in their
life - and this is certainly true for young adults with disabilities receiving Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) benefits. Unfortunately, many of these young adults struggle to achieve selfsufficiency
in their early adult years. One contributing factor appears to be low expectations at
an individual, parental, and societal level. In the context of this paper, low expectations are the
beliefs that people with disabilities cannot be reasonably expected to learn, develop, and become
While low expectations have been identified as one obstacle to self-sufficiency, it
is not clear how this actually impacts SSI recipients. To this end, the following paper seeks to
address two questions:
1. What effect do low expectations have on child SSI recipients, particularly as they
transition to adulthood?
2. How can the Social Security Administration (SSA) better support young adults as they go
through the transition process?
Pathways to Housing DC
18. Performance Measurements: Pathways to Housing DC. Pathways
to Housing DC is well-situated for the development and implementation of a performance
measurement system. The organization's prior use of measurement and robust data tracking
efforts provide a great starting point to build upon. During the planning of this project,
two key goals were defined at the outset: to capitalize on existing data and to be
mindful of not increasing the burden on staff. Design of this performance measurement
system reflects these two goals and was accomplished through a rigorous process over
four months that included delving into the organization's data management system,
collection methods, and an overall analysis of staff and supervisor needs.
Developing significant outcomes and identifying indicators that will allow the organization
to know whether they are achieving success on these selected outcomes was attained through
an iterative process that involved research of similar organizations, a review of relevant
research literature, and organizational input and feedback.
The purpose of this project and report is the identification and development of
performance measures for Pathways to Housing DC, housing and services teams. It is
expected that these results will serve as a tool for organizational learning and
growth, provide feedback to inform leadership and staff of program outcomes and
impacts, and lead to overall quality improvement and better outcomes for consumers.
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