Slides for presentation at the Welfare Reform
Conference on Child Care and Welfare Reform, April 3, 1998
Mark Nadel
Funds Provided for Child Care
- $4.4 billion of federal and state CCDF available in FY 1997
- About one quarter of federal funds require state match, including MOE
- Up to 30% of TANF allocation can be used for CCDF
States Expanding Child Care Subsidy Programs
- Expenditures increased to meet current needs
- States plan to fully draw down federal funds and some increase state spending for child
- States expect to meet TANF child care needs. Other low income and future funding ability
States Initiating Efforts to Ensure Adequate Supply of Providers
- Demand Increases Under Welfare Reform
- Some Types of Child Care in Shorter Supply
- States Undertake Supply Building Initiatives
- Importance of Informal Providers
Regulatory Standards
- States maintain or strengthen standards by incremental changes
- Differential standards for different types of providers
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